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PRIVATE YOUTUBE LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4u_b-saINes 

Hello Patrons!

I rarely post this late in the month but we've been frantically working behind the scenes on a bunch of stuff and I wanted to make sure we touched base before the month is out. ALSO I've included an exclusive early clip from our Hades: Developing Hell finale which I wanted to get to you ahead of the episode's public release on Monday. 

//// BEFORE I KEEP TALKING - you know I love feedback so please, have a think and let us know what you'd like from us in 2021 in the comments below!

In this video I rattle through the learnings from 2020, what we still have left on our plate from last year and our plans to mold Noclip into something that fits the reality we find ourselves in in 2021. The general touchpoints are;

New Projects: Focusing on many of 2020s biggest games, unearthing some of gaming's most infamous unreleased projects, and looking back at classics too.
New Patreon: Evolving our community into something special. Adding patron-exclusive shows, new tiers and bonuses.
New Products: An exciting new "physical" adventure for Noclip. Hmm, that makes it sound like p0rn. 
New Equipment: Time for a new camera. Oh hello 4k.
[All this and more is covered in the video] 

2020 was a tough year for all of us and I'm not confident it's all rainbows and ponies in 2021 either. But were dedicated to pouring our creative efforts into stories about game development in 2021, and hope you stick around to see what other weird ideas and plans we have up our collective sleeves.

Excited to have you along. Get those comments in!



Noclip in 2021 - Our Big Plans

Also there's a clip from Developing Hell in here. Huzzah!


Landon Robinson

All of those new things sound great for this year. I think you guys have done a tremendous job creatively working around the inability to travel and make traditional docs. For physical products - Maybe it's time to get a Danny + Jeremy + Frank bobblehead, lol. I'd love more docs on infamous industry projects that went the way of the dodo.

Jazz Jackrabbit

I was wondering if you've ever thought about doing something on Flash games and just that whole era and its impact on the gaming industry. With Adobe discontinuing Flash at the end of 2020 I feel like there's a good retrospective to be made.

Alex Bolduc Tremblay

The Idea that Hugo and Marty pitched to you (Indirectly) in the Doom Designer React to Doom Eternal Speedrun would be nice. Following a speedrunner on his attemps to break a record from the start to the end Or something on the speedrunning community. Anyway keep the excellent work can't wait to see the new stuff !

Gabriel Costa (Hired Sword)

If you make this physical Blu-ray on the Hades doc is there any chance you could do a special edition that includes some bonus artwork from Jen Zee? I'd an exclusive poster or maybe something smaller that could fit in a blu-ray case.

Björn Vahle

See, this is why I'm gonna stick with the top patreon tier. Because I didn't really care for Hades as a game and NoClip made me care about the people and their vision (same with Final Fantasy). Joining you as a patron during the pandemic has been enjoyable as well as helpful because all the ways you've let us in on your dealing with this thing have made it feel like we've been in it together. And yes, made me feel a little less alone. Thrilled for everything that's ahead. Thanks for the update, Danny.

Daniel Maurath

I’d throw my hat in to go above 30 so maybe not insane or i’m insane :D And I don’t ever play games online because I don’t know anyone who does. But it could be fun to have small online sessions and could even theme the sessions around games featured in the latest doc. Finally never realized Hades was on Switch just thought it was Steam so will have to check it out and then finally watch the series now that Winter has settled in in the northeast.

Jhampa Shaneman

Just a note, watch your background, sometimes bright windows behind you black out your face. Aside from that, great stuff, especially the parts on game development. That is always interesting

Music Architect

You're doing amazing my friend, I always appreciate the honesty and the love and care that goes into the docs. They're amazing, fascinating, and compelling. Remember to keep doing what you're doing...and expand where reasonable! I appreciate your time and effort my dude, keep going!

Witt Fesmire

Incredibly excited for everything, and we truly believe in the vision you have for noclip and 2021. Have been loving all that you have been doing since the beginning. One thing that I’ve been interested in is how certain studios have developed since you first made docs on them (such as IOI w/ Hitman 3). Whether that be in podcast form (which is what it has usually been) or in a more official capacity, I would definitely be interested in more follow ups. Stay safe and healthy!

Matti Hansson

The docs coming out this year have been great! While it was released late 2019, one of my favourites was the one on ESRB, because you never hear about the inner workings of that organisation. Another thing you never hear about are middleware makers like RAD Game Tools or SpeedTree, even though they're used in nearly every big budget game. I'm sure they have some interesting stories to tell.

Christopher Kelly

Very excited for 2021 at NoClip! I love physical media so a Bluray of the Hades doc along with some artwork or something would be incredible! I would buy that in a second. I still haven't played it, I'm holding out hope for a PS5 release at some point. Love Supergiant games but want them all in one place for me! Looking forward to the new docs whatever they may be and just whatever you put out. As you said, people are excited to have something to watch and look forward to during these times. I've started a gaming channel to kill time, and trying to work on some unique stuff. I'm looking forward to any videos/podcasts you do about your process.

Morten Elgaard Pedersen

Know the current situation is less than ideal, but its good to hear that you and Jeremy are cracking on. Keep up the good work, but remember to take care in these crazy times!

J Scully

You guys should look into the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K. It shoots all flavors of 4K for $1295.


Maybe in the private feedback you get there is a demand for patreon exclusives... but all I see is that we want to support you making documentaries about things that interest you... anything that diverts your energy from that is a bad thing I think. I am sympathetic for wanting us to move up tiers but just a warning... I cannot move up due to budget constraints and it is possible I will get grumpy if there is too much going on 'over my head'... I realise this makes me (sound like) an entitled twat so I hope you read it in the supportive tone it is meant!


A bit random, but I would love a hoodie with the original NoClip logo :)

Andy Hackett

Absolutely, I have no desire to get anything from this other than it enabling Danny to focus on things he wants them to do. As the guy below says, though, I'd buy a tracksuit to go with my Giant Bomb tracksuit. Then I can wear Giant Bomb down below and Noclip up top.


I doubt we could extend it that far, but we are talking to them about special art for the menu / covers. We'll see! Watch this space!


Thanks! Yeah we did record a DOOM Eternal speedrunning interview ages ago but Covid kinda kicked that one down the road a bit. Perhaps worth going back to.


Thanks so much Björn. Hope you're doing better over there!


Thanks so much Daniel. Yeah the current idea brewing here invovled theming podcasts, streams and/or community interaction around a central monthly/bi-monthly theme. We're still trying to piece it together. stay warm up there!


Huh yeah. a follow up series on some of those could be cool. maybe for our 5th anniversairy...


Hah I've had a pitch for a speedtree video forever. maybe this is the year to pull the trigger


Thanks mate, yeah we just posted another Edit Club today and the thought is we center more bonus stuff around all the work going on behind the scenes. watch this space!


Yea those are interesting. My a7sii is fairly close to that in terms of sensor fidelity and customization and is handy as our b-cam. for our main camera we're definitely looking at beefier sensors with more features and post production support. the resolution is just one piece of the puzzle for us.


haha, the ultimate tracksuit combo. Thanks you two- yea we totally get that a lot of folks are happy with being generous to fund our work and don't want anything in return. I think we're gonna try and keep a tier for that level and add some cool stuff for the folks who want to get a bit more into the weeks with us on production. edit club is a great insight into this as some people really value it, while others may find it superflous. Working out the details, but i really appreciate the insight.


hah we heard that a lot this week. new store being worked on. our initial product runs weren't high quality enough for my liking so it's been delayed a bit

Felipe Rojo Liviero (71139834Y)

Bluray yeeeesssss!!! Any chance this rolls out to something like a No Clip physical back-catalogue, you know, for preservation, lending or gifting?