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Hey $5 Patrons,

First of all thank you so much for your continued support. This group is our most popular tier and that's why we've we've added a bunch of additional benefits to it over the years. 

But those added benefits have often meant a less consistent delivery of particular types of content. Some months there are loads of VLOGs from me but no exclusive podcast episode. Other months we have exclusive bonus scenes, but no Noclip Behind the Scenes stuff. This is a byproduct of my busy schedule and the difficulty in planning ahead. So I want to get a read on what it is you value most as a $5 patron and make the best possible version of that. 

So if you could Please chose an option below and let us know how you feel in the comments underneath. 

This feedback is already proving invaluable. We got over 120 detailed responses in yesterday's post and it's helped so much. So please, keep it coming. And I saw we lost a handful of patrons yesterday, apologies if these posts are spamming your emails - we wouldn't be doing it if it wasn't really valuable to us.

Thank you for your time. I'm excited where this is all going.



Landon Robinson

I picked "I Mostly Want Behind the Scenes Filming / Exclusive Danny VLOGs", but my close second is definitely I don't care - my main motivation is financially supporting NoClip. I love the behind the scenes filming the best, in terms of that Patron content though!

James O'Donnell

My main motivation is financially supporting NoClip and not in a pat my own back kind of way but I really am just happy to help in any way that I can. The docs and extra content are all great ❤


Keep up the good work


I just want a hug.


My first priority is to support Noclip, but I do enjoy watching the Vlogs while drinking my morning coffee lol.

Richard Hayes

I just want to make sure NoClip is supported. I’ve enjoyed the quick updates about the overall health of the channel and comments on future content

Amir Rangnekar

Like others here first priority is just supporting Noclip. As a bonus the vlogs and exclusive content is nice

John Cal McCormick

I don't care. I just support for the support.

William Heathcote

My support is to keep the lights on and the camera rolling. Whatever bonus I get is just that, a bonus.

Patrick A.

My goal is to support you guys so I don't really care about exclusivity, that said if there where things you guys didn't want to release to a wider audience because they were odd, disjointed or otherwise don't fit the style and quality bar that the NoClip is known for I think it'd be cool to release those here as we (Patreon supports) are probably more understanding than the wider audience.


Main motivation is support the channel but seeing as you asked for suggestions you could make a store and give us a discount, make a coffee table book only available patrons or lastly get swag/collectibles from the studios and reflect them off

Uncle Jam

I picked "I don't care - my main motivation is financially supporting Noclip." The VLOGs are always fantastic, as is any bonus material you guys make, and I'm always happy to get what I can get when I can get it. But hypothetically if they all had to go in service of getting the docs out or making them better or scheduling just doesn't allow it, I'd live. So the real answer for me is "I'll take what I can get."


I mainly want to support Noclip but personally routinely check out the podcast episodes over the other bonus content. Thanks!

Long Division

Chose behind the scenes but supporting noclip is at least as important

Tory Thompson

My main motivation is giving you financial support, but I do love those BTS and more personal videos with you and Jeremy!

Josh Daniels

I'm generally happy with the mix of what we get just wish it was more consistent. I'm not necessarily talking about weekly content but if there is a vlog don't worry so much about producing a pod cast. if there is a podcast don't worry about a vlog becasue anything that would be covered in a vlog would most likely be covered in the podcast and vice versa. I miss a tournament of lies but i know its hard to get your European friends together to do that show. I'm generally happy with what i'm receving now just would like more. Keep up the good work love what you do.


Love what you guys do, this is a pretty great & interesting channel. Love the BTS and VLOGs too. Less interested in the podcasts (although that one with Hugo Martin was pretty fantastic - or is that more of a VLOG? :)

The Codex

I would personally prefer if nothing was closed behind the pay wall, other than some of the things only relevant to patrons (like this stuff), the Discord (that would become a pain to moderate) or announcements you don't want public yet. I did not become a patron because of the bonuses, I did because of the free, incredible content and I highly dislike the idea that someone who likes the content but is to young to or does not have the means to pay would miss 25% of a podcast they like or something similar. I know if I didn't have the 5$ to spare every month or if I was still to young to pay international over the internet (as I was when NoClip started) I would be sad to miss it. I believe keeping the podcast (and things like them) public would only get you a more dedicated fan base who, if/when they have an extra 5$ might consider throwing it your way (as was the case with me)

Trevor David Black

My real answer to this is that I have 100% trust in y'all. That's not very actionable, though, so I put bonus scenes. That seems like the kind of thing that people would pay extra to see


I enjoy all your content, but it would be amazing if you could add content on your views of the industry like The Point on Gamespot, I love that series.


I currently have picked exclusive Danny content, but really I don't care. The less stuff patron locked the better. Delayed for non patrons is fair in my opinion.


Echoing the rest of the folks here -I’m happy just to see the work you’re doing continue, but I also wouldn’t say no to BTS and VLOG’s. The main reason many of us support you now is because of your voice and take on games in the past, so I don’t think anyone would say no to more of that!

Michael Fossbakk

There's bonus content? Just kidding. I love supporting what Noclip is doing overall, but vlogs (especially when travel is involved) are really fun to watch. If travel is limited right now, bonus/extended interviews might be a better route to go? Somewhat related piece of feedback: right now, I don't really know where to go if I just want to see all of the "bonus" content in one place. Is there a playlist on YouTube? I could look at "all posts" on Patreon but that's...a lot to sift through.

Brandon K Gann

Hey Danny! This is a little conflicting because I enjoy everything being done, so ultimately I voted for the "I don't care" option, but I wanted to say: 1.) Behind the scenes and exclusive vlogs are neat and I'll always be happy with insight of the filming of the doc in addition to the doc itself. 2.) I'm iffy on bonus scenes, because I personally am all for: if you are able to include as much as possible within the doc or series itself, that would be the most beneficial, but if there is a part of an interview or a topic that just doesn't fit with the narrative you're trying to tell, breaking it out into one-off content later for public use, and not being Patreon exclusive, is a good idea. 3.) I've never really felt the podcast should be exclusive, but by being a Patron I haven't missed one so I'm biased in how I've always had the option. For non-Patrons, I could understand how that could be weird having a one-off in a month you can't listen to unless it's a sensitive topic like letting Patrons know the next project before a public announcement. On the whole, I've been very happy from the jump in the near four years of NoClip's existence. I'm personally ok with any decision you make, but these are just some of my thoughts for being at this tier since launch.


I just want to support you.

Andrew Mowbray

Danny doing the Q&A and update videos monthly is fine for me. I like being a little bit "in the know" on what docs are upcoming and the more informal vibe of them is pleasant.

Christo Jooste

You don't ever have to pander to my needs, I support you because you produce incredible work. One thing I would enjoy seeing more of, is some more detailed studio tours. It's always fascinating seeing a developer's working environment.

Benjamin Müller

I selected option #1 because that's what I'm most interested in and I wanted to select a more specific answer, but at the same time I do like the mixture as well. And I also mainly want to just support you. I hardly find the time to watch all that content from you (and some other Patreon creators) in a timely manner anyway. So I kind of wanted to select 3 of those answers ;-)


I'll often not consume the content as it comes out (unless it's the podcast) so for me it's all about supporting you folks as you build the library of content. As others have said, I trust your judgement and look forward to whatever you produce.


Thanks for the feedback! Yea Patreon is inelegant to sift through. We tag everything so all the behind the scenes videos are under that tag, or Patron Q&A or whatever. So here is all the BTS videos - https://www.patreon.com/noclip?filters[tag]=Behind%20The%20Scenes - it's not ideal though, thinking about reworking it or having a sticky post with all the links on it.

Michael Fossbakk

Hi, Brandon! To go off of your podcast comment, I also find it odd to have Patreon-exclusive podcast episodes, especially when both podcast feeds follow shared numbering. I also have to use two podcast apps (Podcast Addict for exclusive stuff and Spotify for everything else) to listen to everything (I don't think Spotify supports custom RSS feeds).

Matt Gambell

Hey Danny, so I for one literally don't mind what you do. As an indie dev myself, it seems that your heart for the type of content you're making is always in the right place. I'm just happy to support you all and keep seeing more of it. :) You're doing great things for the industry as a whole IMO.


Vlogs are the best type of content imo. It gives great insight into your process and makes us feel like a part of the team in a way. This being said, I really don't care and would keep supporting with no incentive or if vlogs/podcast and everything was public for everybody.

Michael Josephs

GameDevGuide! Love your videos by the way, helped me out immensely so thank you. If Danny reads this then back to the point, I agree with Matt that I'm just happy to support you - I've been a Patron since the first day with the only goal to be to allow you to create the videos you want to create (because I know I'll enjoy them).


I marked don’t really care / support financially, but I will say the only one I view is the Vlogs. I like getting those updates on the status of NoClip and what’s coming in the future.

Milena Kosic

Well I agree with most of the other comments that I became a Patreon first and foremost to support you and the making of more docs in the future. However, the reason I chose this specific tear and not the others is that I am mostly interested in having access to behind the scenes videos and the VLOGs as I find those most entertaining and interesting to watch alongside the docs themselves. I agree with one of the other comments that I find these VLOGS/BTS videos the most interesting when you guys are traveling and don't expect much in the way of this kind of content until you are able to travel for a doc again (i.e. the Japan one for FFXIV was really cool to watch you guys wander around Tokyo and really appreciated you giving us a tour of your childhood home in Ireland). Lately, I'm finding I really appreciate having access to your monthly updates and Q&As so that we can be kept up to date and know in advance what's coming down the pipeline.. helps with the excitement! All the best to the whole team. :)


Honestly I mostly watch what gets put on YouTube and don't pay too much attention to the Patreon exclusive stuff. Just want to support the good work!

Felipe Rojo Liviero (71139834Y)

I actually love the behind the scenes and exclusive vlogs but having to watch it on the Patreon App kind of blows, is there a way of watching these vids on the smart TV without having to connect your phone? Asking for a friend


I have always supported Noclip because of the concept and content. If you guys were doing something wrong I think we would point it out. I think you lads are hitting it out of the park. Quality over content is what I look for and we are kinda getting both at the moment. Which is great. Just keep doing you.

Thorben Dahl

I like the more personal tone you allow yourselves to adopt for the Patron-exclusive content, whether that be podcast episodes or videos. But I don't know if it's best to keep that as a Patron-exclusive, since it might benefit Noclip to bring some of that to the main YouTube channel? Though I like that there is a tier that basically is an invitation to a more "exclusive" or limited community of Noclip fans, within which you can be more casual and relaxed.

Shaun Biggs

I love the vlogs for the little updates - but I really am just a patron to help support you guys financially because I really love the content and always want to see more.