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YOUTUBE LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GURV5wBAXH4 

Hey folks,

With all that's going on there are a bunch of updates to various projects along with some changes to the way Noclip is going to be operating for the next few weeks, and most likely, months. So I just wanted to ahead of the situation and give a big update on all the projects for anybody who is interested.

If you have any questions please feel free to stick them in the comments below.

I hope wherever you are you're keeping well, healthy and taking care of those around you. 

Talk again soon friends,



Requisite Noclip COVID-19 Update

A broad update on what's going on with Noclip given the global outbreak of Covid-19. Watch game docs: http://youtube.com/noclipvideo Help fund the docs: http://Patreon.com/dannyodwyer Danny tweets: https://twitter.com/dannyodwyer Noclip tweets: https://twitter.com/noclipvideo


Christopher Kelly

I've been really freaking out as I'm a wedding videographer. A lot of my income is about to go bye bye cause of this virus... hopefully it's not too awful. Looking forward to some Outer Worlds stuff.

Daniel Maurath

Great to see everyones doing well! Is Jeremy still teaching himself Unity? It could be interesting to follow his progression as he learns.

George Tzircotis

Great video, thanks for the update Danny. You asked for some ideas so here goes - I’d love to see interviews and podcasts over Skype/videoconference. Everyone will be missing interaction with others so these might be easier to set up than it seems at the moment. Would also like gameplay videos or streaming (please do black mesa) and maybe few online patron hangouts. Anything that involves discussion with others. It’s looking like a tough few months ahead, I’m looking forward to keeping up with noclip while this all blows over! Take care

Scott Shawcroft

Totally think Skype or similar interviews would be good. Maybe not within an almost finished doc but for Supergiant it makes total sense as an Episode 5. How does it change their workflow? Are they seeing a new audience on Steam and Epic? Skype interviews and updates make total sense for them. Skype interviews for the podcast can work well too. Have the guest record locally for better quality and you can record remotely as a backup. Look forward to more videos, hope everyone stays healthy and plan on staying a Patron through it all. Cheers.