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Patron-Only YouTube Link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uthsN9vwj1k
(sorry forgot this in the first email)

Hey Patrons! 

We are knee-deep in the edit on our doc on The Outer Worlds and thought it would be fun to share a scene from it. Also a little bit of an update - this is no longer one singular documentary, but a series of docs that will dive into a bunch of different themes; writing characters, designing the worlds, and more.

Expect the first video later this month with the rest soon to follow. We're still working out exact dates but you won't be waiting long. 

We hope you enjoy the clip - let us know what you think!



The Outer Worlds Doc Sneak Peek - Patron Update

hey let's talk about character design!



One proposed doco becomes many! What a shock pikachu.jpg :D


Didn’t the Outer Worlds doc already come o—nope, mixed up those games yet again.

Riley W. Andersen

At least this documentary wont be an epic exclusive ; )