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Hey Patrons,

We kick off the patron-exclusive podcast feed with a weird one! You may have already seen my zero spoiler video review for Death Stranding on my personal channel - but in this chat, Jeremy and I get a little deeper on what exactly the game is. There are no story spoilers and I'm as vague as I can be around some of the game's more interesting discoveries, but I give a bit more clarity as to how the moment-to-moment gameplay is and all that.

We've got exciting ideas for future patron-only podcast episodes but if you have any suggestions we're all ears.

Enjoy the show!





I can’t see this in my app on the Patreon podcast feed...


Oh that's annoying. Is it still the case now? It appears to be working for other folks. Maybe check to see that your unique RSS hasn't changed or anything (it may have if you swapped tiers or had a break or something.) Here's the FAQ https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212055866-How-Do-I-Get-and-Use-My-Audio-RSS-Link - sorry for the hassle, let me know if that's not it.


For those like me who were confused, you can’t do this in the App (or at least I couldn’t find out how to get to it in the iOS app). I had to go to the website. Now, the way they provide the URL for Safari makes it really difficult to copy. For some reason everything gets selected but I had to fiddle with it a bit to get the copy menu to appear. So it’s doable to do this on a mobile device, it’s just far more difficult than it should be, and if this wasn’t noclip, I would have probably given up.


This comment was meant to go in the other thread but whatever. This app is just confusing.