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Hey folks,

I wanted to give a quick update on everything that's going on over here as things are about to change pretty rapidly in the coming week. 

We get access to our new studio space a week from today (November 1st) but we've got some dudes coming over to replace the carpet that weekend so we won't be getting boxes and stuff in until Monday the 4th. Once that happens you're gonna see a noticeable uptick in behind-the-scenes videos posting to what is currently my personal youtube channel

We're gonna be rebranding that slightly and using it to upload experimental videos, VLOGS, and non-doc productions. Docs will stay on the Noclip channel. Podcasts on the Noclip Podcast channel. Some of what's below is dependant on when the internet gets hooked up so it may move around a little. But generally this what to expect from the New Noclip. Newclip? No, let's not call it that. 

Okay, let's get into it;

  • Podcast Goes Video / Gets Guests
    We recently spun up the weekly podcast so that Jeremy & I could get used to podcasting again, but the "new podcast" will be coming in earnest in November once we get into the studio a build our dedicated podcast studio. Most of the new kit has arrived including a new mixer, amps, mics, headphones, tripods, and cameras. We're going to be using a collection of Sony Alphas nice glass and a hardware video mixer to produce the podcast to the visual standard you associate with Noclip. Initially, we're going to be doing it as a VOD but can expand to live in the future if we see fit. To kick it all off we've got a bunch of game-dev guests coming on in November. Oh, and don't forget the "Patron Feed" of the podcast is now only going to contain the bonus episodes - so make sure you subscribe to the public feed to get the regular episodes.

  • The Second Noclip Channel
    You're also going to see our first of our work on the second Noclip channel - what is currently my personal YouTube channel. Over the course of November, we're going to be releasing some interesting new-style videos and giving it a new lick of paint. The idea is that this will be the place we stick things like op-eds, let's play, production-focused videos. We're going to be using this as a channel as a way to talk more freely about the games industry and create experimental video projects. For example - one of the first videos is the return of my op-ed show with a video on Death Stranding. We've got loads of other ideas we want to play around with like shows where we talk about our favorite documentaries. (the $5 feed will still have exclusive behind-the-scenes production docs, insider info and clips.)

  • Extra-Life Stream
    As mentioned in the podcast  (as long as the internet gets hooked up) we'll be hosting a 24 hour Extra Life marathon from the studio during the first half of November. I'm going to be playing F1 2019 in a racing seat for 24 hours straight. This will give us a good opportunity to test out the live capabilities of the studio, and see how hot/cold it gets at night and crucially find out where the closest/best 24-hour stores are.

  • Faster & More Consistent Doc Production
    Aside from all this, we're still producing the Noclip docsyou know and love. In fact with Jeremy on board, our post-production times are going to shorten. The new structure is going to allow us to focus on a more consistent releases across the 12 months of the year. In terms of what to expect soon - our ESRB doc is almost finished (early access patrons should have it next week), and we'll have docs on Supergiant, Creative Assembly, Outer Wilds and more coming in November & beyond too.

  • Patreon Relaunch + New  Tiers
    In early December we're going to be relaunching our Patreon and hosting a streaming party, highlighting all the new productions we're working on, and moving around some of the Patreon goodies. You'll see test runs of these in November including our new monthly show ($20). 

So that's what's to expect over the coming weeks.

We've been building to this moment for 3 years so I'm really excited to finally be here. Many of you are patrons because you believe in our core work - and for that, we cannot thank you enough. But for those of you who miss my old shows, or want to be part of a community of creative filmmakers in the games industry - we hope you'll enjoy some of our new fruits too.

Exciting times are coming. Just as well, I don't think I can fit many more boxes in this room.




Mike Egan

Woo! Exciting stuff!