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YOUTUBE VERSION: https://youtu.be/-nwWpQJFGp8

Hey folks!

I always wanted to make a documentary about Wipeout 2097 and while I had trouble nailing down most of the interviews, one person who did manage to find time for me, Tim "CoLD SToRAGE" Wright, provided an absolute killer of an interview.

With many of the other interviewees not finding time I hummed and hawed over how to proceed and eventually I decided that the story I wanted to tell was about how that game sounded. Dance music was a big part of my teenage years and a massive part of why that game was successful and still lives in nostalgia glands of many of us today. By focusing down on that element I could tell the rest of the story as it exists in the public zeitgeist and get to the core of why people love the vibe of Wipeout.

So in this documentary we explore the creation of one of gaming's most iconic soundtracks. But it's not just about that. It's also about the Amiga demo scene, the transition to 3D, music production, sound design, Psygnosis, how video games were impacting wider culture and much more.

I'm uploading this version here in case YouTube decides to hammer that version with ads (this contains a lot of licensed music!). I considered doing a 4:3 version to really lean into the hacker aesthetic but we've got other docs to work on so I let it pass.

 Here are the chapters;

0:00 - Intro

4:10 - Amiga Demos

7:09 - Psygnosis

11:17 - Wipeout

17:54 - Wipeout 2097 / XL

22:41 - Sound FX

25:06 - Artists

26:43 - Legacy

29:07 - CREDITS

Once again a massive shout out to Jeremey for co-editing this one, and to Frank for all the awesome gameplay.

Let us know what you think!



Graham Walker

Apropos of episode 180 of podcast, Danny- Chase the Sun by Planet Funk. Another banger that could fit in wipeout!


Awesome vid guys. What a time to be alive and experience this fresh. Nothing like it.

Devon Buckley

This is the most "Noclip" Noclip doc yet. Simply awesome. I don't think I've heard some of those 2097 sound effects for 20 years. What a magical time.