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In this part we are gonna talk about creating terrains in various ways, fully procedural, in order to have flexibility down the line to change things with no effort.

On another note, you probably noticed that I changed the covers and artworks.
Apologies for this but I had an email from the client and for some weird reason I cannot show the actual products or scenes. Nothing to worry about it though, I will show you everything as planned with different examples.

My take on this is -as you probably know me by after all those years- is that I am always trying to share with absolute transparency everything that I do. Unlike many other people, some of us, do not hold back, do not keep secrets on the way we do things, we really enjoy sharing cause we 've been in your place with millions of unanswered questions.

I find that some brands do not care for anything other than money making, which is totally legit. What they fail to understand is that without people teaching/tutoring from within the industry there is nothing left for future motion designers, therefore for people advertising their products in a meaningful way. Yes, there are thousand tutorials out there for free, but I think there is a reason you follow me or Vincent, Mikhail, Gonzalo among many other people: you cut through the noise. As I cut through the noise over a span of nearly 20 years watching and reading, realising that the actual resources that helped me be where I am today were a whooping 5%. Cause how is it possible that you never been in any studio or done any actual work with people breathing over your neck, to be able to execute, direct, deliver and earn? It is not.

Anyways, big topic with too many branches, but my 2 cents is that, I really wish clients would respect what some of us is trying to do here, rather than becoming obstacles. We do not compete with them, we do not antagonise, we do not get money out of their pockets, we merely spread the word for a better and healthier industry.
Qualified full time educators are facing many challenges to say the least, and that is why we are here in Patreon instead of schools.

Thanks for your understanding!



jan burchiellaro

I love C4D, but your videos confirm my idea about its biggest limitation: it needs third-party plugins to be efficient in all situations, especially when dealing with complex scenes, and overlaying of different effects. I stick with Houdini, even though sometimes is cumbersome, the UI is terrifying, Redshift is crashy, Octane is almost unusable on big scenes, and the software makes me constantly feel stupid! Nevertheless, I'm enjoying your content, man! As a fellow Art Director, it's great to see your creative process!


Thanks! 100% c4d needs lots of utilities these days. In the past was worse honestly. At least now has so many things in unified simulation where I heard many houdini friends saying how easier it is to do many tasks hehe. But ofc goes without saying; if you know Houdini, c4d is not an option for anything!

jan burchiellaro

The big thing is to arrive at a point where you can say "You know Houdini", tho!! After 2 years I still barely stay afloat! :)


Noone gets to this statement afaik haha! I jump in and out of H like a madman! There are periods i dont even wanna see it and others that i love it. Eventually though i steer away from it in my day to day and only use it for personal stuff where there is time to debug!

Tahseen Nehlawi

Thanks a lot Thanos, Only doggy is missing :D, also which method did you use for creating the thumbnail the Motion Punk logo" ? those grains look soo good!


thanks haha doggy is coming! I used just c4d displacement + some nexus grains (will show this on the next tut i think)

Brandon Smith

Cool breakdown! Have you experimented with heightfield in houdini yet for terrains?


Thanks! Yea but very little. I prefer World Creator, as height fields are there if you continue working in H, thats their main advantage imo.

Christian Rene

Super Coop tut! What nodes would you use in redshift to do what u did in octane? Tanks :)


Oh yea, its just a displacer with the same amounts. There is option in Bridge for Redshift import so you get a head start. Never used it but it should be similar thingy!

Christian Rene

Yup, the displacement. It kind of works with redshift but just from certain angles.. Octane might be better for this one. If some one has a trick to make it work in RS please share :) My machine cries when it has to handle 9 mill polygons..