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Hey everyone!

I was supposed to breakdown a personal project but I stumbled upon some nice techniques about spline/hair dynamics. Big props to Spenser Dickerson and to my buddy Mikhail Sedov for sharing their knowledge.

Coming up really soon some advanced animation/dynamics in new Cinema4D 2023.2.1. Feathers and cotton explorations.

Maxon has done a great job and I can really push the system this way besides some bugs to iron, but i really feel that after s26 release c4d has come a really long way both in procedural setups and simulations.

Cu very soon!




Those feathers.....wow


So good! Can't wait for this Thanos


geia sou fíle, I need your help. I have created my Feather an want to play around with wind. Now ivy the problem that it fold it at the symmetry axes. Any Idea how I could get some stiffness, keep the v form. btw the "hairs" do not stick at the stew. Changing the Strength on the Spline Wrap doe just change which one is flying away first


hey! did u follow the tut till the end? I explain about stiffness both on the main part + feathers. Its about point count. It has a lot of info there, you need to follow step by step what I do as everything works here as expected.


Till the very end. Your feather is always vertical and the turbulence does push some hairs back some to the front. Mine is horizontal and I have only wind from below and the behavior is absolutely as expected . It can only fold around the stew. Shall I build some kind of v-shape and try to connect for example the middle of the hair to it


Hello, does the media player support translations in other languages? Currently, it seems to only have English.


Are you going to cover rendering of these as well? Like how to best get the small hairy strings etc.?

Mantas Kava

Great! How about rendering these, though? Did I miss this part or is it still coming?

adam forbes

i''m trying a very simliar setup. I have helixes cloned in multiple directions to make a soccer net. I have a ball flying through the net and I'm trying to bake as alembic to then slow down the animation. But all the alembic bakes put the splines in very weird places.... Any ideas?


Alembics can be a pain in c4d. I d take cloners under a connect object with weld set to off and i would export this way.