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Hey guys,

Since a lot of people asking me about NFT and all that, here is a short video describing the general process along with my personal impressions of cryptoart so far.

Ofc a lot of questions, so hit me up in the comments below.




This is "Crypto" by MotionPunk on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Well :) i dont have any, but i might find one and give it here in patreon randomly


nice info. i did put some of my "art" on this site called mintable.app. it has gassles option... because im poor human. :D i know the site is full of thrash. but it was nice to try this crypto art thing. i think nobody even saw my little animations. whis there was some dumb millionare, who wanted to by my "art" for 100000 euros, or something. :D but this whole thing is pretty crazy right now. But love your stuff. and with that i mean your tutorials, animations and your art. sorry for the long text...


Gass-less option? is that really a thing? It has increased so much, its forbidden if u dont sell! Poor or rich with 200-250 per artwork, fuck haha


i think there is still gassles option in mintable.app. not 100% sure... havent check it for awhile.


Thank you for this video Thanos. I fucking hate social media too! and kind of hate houdini too!!


I need a foundation invitation too. thank you man for putting this videos.


Thank you! It was actually more difficult this than a tutorial haha i kept recording over and over and losing my words. I hope the info is worth considering. Btw, foundation is not a site i intend to post any longer. Its problematic, people dont engage with high bids, unless u are already famous in crypto world. The best/accessible site if u ask me is makersplace!


yea but thats seems even harder to get in. I was thinking of using opensea. but I know is full of crap too so saturated. hope you get in marketspalce soon.


ok cool I will try again. I think is hard if you dont have followers. trying to be more active on social media now. but seems like i am late the game. and also i hate social media.


Thank you for doing this Thanos. I've seen a lot of vids about the topic, but had a lot of questions as an artist and you took care of all of it. I agree, it kind of sucks that we have to learn about crypto and these sites. As motion artists our art is a big part of this industry, but it feels like we're turning into ebay-type businesses (with a super-complicated currency system) when we just want to work on our craft.


the problems with cryptoart are a lot. It has suddenly turned into a measuring system where the more u sell, the more "artist" u are. At first we all thought that motion designers can dominate this scene. But this is not true. These are galleries that went digital. So famous people, people with connections, people with followers, tend to sell while others through time will disappear.

Pedro Ferreira

I joined rarible a few weeks ago, and started doing some simple 3Ds just for fun, since it's rare for me to do 3D at work (I do mostly after-effects / 2D animation), it turned out to be sort of a reason to test and experiment new stuff, (instead of just doing everydays and post them on instagram...) last week for no reason people started buying my stuff, so I can't complain, but I understand the negative side of it... (https://rarible.com/pedrof2)

David Rickles

I know rarible is open to anyone, but I noticed at least one of your works is on Foundation. Did you get an invite to sell there? Or how did you get on Foundation?


There is no negative side if u ask me (besides the environmental concerns). Its just hard to make this a fulltime thing hehe

Pedro Ferreira

It was a funny process, I did this for fun and posted it on tweeter: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hfzuefv94dsym0h/the_invite_v2.mp4?dl=0 and someone decided to invite me :P

Pedro Ferreira

Yes MotionPunk, I didn't meant that there was a negative side, just refering to the gas fees etc..., but yes, I think the key is not taking it to seriously, have fun first and if you can sell something, even better.

Marcos Devoto

Nice perspective Thanos! Do you guys by any chance have heard of https://solible.com/#/ ?


Heya no, didnt have the chance yet. Im not much into nft myself, i have so much work and cant do both atm