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I might be at OFFF Barcelona as we speak (and meeting some of you in person!) but I managed to sneak a new tut before flying out.

In this part we gonna talk for spline dynamics (again and again haha) and fully procedural ways of manipulating them + accessing the data inside Octane, which as we know by now can be always a bit messy. I had some interesting discoveries and I wanna thank 0626 for his constant flow of ideas!

I will be back next week, so apologies for delayed replies. Meanwhile feel free to ask any questions below and i ll do my best to reply in prompt timing.

Thanks so much!


(No title)


Moncef Keneda

Thank you Thanos. Very very useful tut 👍

Craig Hebditch

Always providing nuggets of great info. Enjoy OFFF

Thomas Dorval

Thanks ! A lot of value in this tut .


I have a question. I worked with a simple test, but the tutorial method went well However, in the Plain effect, we apply a spline mask after applying the scale -1 If you increase the population and turn on animation, small spline pops out. And if you increase the population by more than 200,000, it becomes an animation like spline gets tangled, is there a solution?


Hey, I dont understand the spline mask part you are describing. In general though it gets tangled cause there is an internal limit for collisions (at least that is my explanation) and once you get too many splines, you need to reduce the points to mitigate that. And even then there is again a limit on how many splines. So maybe that is the issue here!

F 33

Why can't I see it

F 33

Why can't I see the video? It shows a link and I can't watch it