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Hey guys!

Here are some WIP images of a short upcoming animation which I should have out tonight or tomorrow!

The purpose of this animation is to test to see if It's possible for me to bulk up and rig models that have very complex mesh material. What I mean by that is models that just generally have a lot going on over their surface. This model for example is covered in straps and tubes and mechanical bits which usually get in the way of the bulking process, but I found ways around it to swell up the character without breaking the attachments. 

So far the test is going perfectly and I feel confident that I can bulk up models that have 0 muscle mass on them. 

Ik a lot of you don't like humanoid stuff, luckly This character is an attempted 3D remake of a friend's Sona which I believe is a spacesuit filled with sentiant goo. 

I'll keep you all updated!
Thx for the support! 



Russ P.

Awesome to see Johann Kraus inflating with sheer muscle!


Haha that would be an interesting sight. I guess this character is a bit similar to him.


I am totally OK with humanoid stuff, especially of the growing kind. ;)


I literally cannot wait. Feeling the tension in all the right places