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Recently I ran a class on various approaches and theories involved in painting armies. Part of the preparation for that class had me pulling out my full force of Stormcast for some family photos. Finally, the long awaited pictures of the full army, people have been asking. Enjoy!

I had fun with this game at the time but didn't get as many games in as I would have liked to. Then Age of Sigmar 3.0 hit and I lost motivation on this army. I didn't have it in me to paint another 40 odd models. I mustered up some of the newer units but they haven't seen the tabletop. But I am proud of this collection and it is a sight to see en mass.

I know AoS 4.0 is on the horizon. Time will tell if that gets me hooked back in. 




This army is amazing man. Love everything about it. The guy on the big dragon looks awesome. We should try a AoS game one of these days.


That's a beautiful family! I've never really looked at Stormcast because I don't like the super bright gold they usually are in pictures, but the colour across your army works so well all together.


Thanks, Candice! Once I started seeing some in person and unpainted I could see some potential. They just needed a touch of the darkness.