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January Scrying Pool!

Let's talk about it!



And I think your content in the last year or so was less geared towards complete beginners (also you are not so present on you tube so I guess less people discover your channel)... so, long story short.. I think your stuff is awesome but you're not playing the 'learn how to paint your army in 5 minutes'- game... so, I guess you're not getting so many new people. But take all this with a pinch of salt..I have no funking clue what I'm talking about 🤣


Valid! Thanks so much for the insight, Kai. This is what I need to hear. Another friend wrote to me here and conveyed similar sentiments. I'm going to make a state of the union video and lay some ideas out. A lot of good ones have been shared with me but mainly, some beginner level content is needed. It exists but is dwarfed by the advanced stuff. Basics of tabletop quality coming soon! Cheers, Kai! Thanks as always for the support :)


Thanks for your advices! And yeah, I need to push more: more is more :D I'll try to correct the shadows, I rushed that part a bit, and I should have taken my time. But thanks again for you feedback and wise words. I looked again at my last minis, and clearly the quality of the cast and the sculpt helped a lot. Moving on with these and taking them to next level.