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Leviathan fever is sweeping the net and my studio is no exception.

Recently I got my hands on the Army Painter's full set of Warpaints Air. So I'm giving them a run and picking a lane, after much deliberation, when it comes to what color of space marine. I paint them from time to time and with these air paints I can keep my recipe consistent.

The recipe being a base of Militia Green and Rawhide Brown mixed 50/50, followed by Daemonic Yellow and..Moon Dust, far out B)

As you can see, I'm taking footage as I work on these. I'm hoping to have them done this week but that might mean Sunday at midnight, still counts!





I would be really interested in learning about your experience with AP paints - maybe also about the discrepancy between the classic range and this one.


And how you have done that superp chipping!!


I haven't used much of their standard line but these have been fun to work with. I weave them in a lot in an upcoming video.


All shall be revealed! All secrets be told it was a combination of a cruddy brush and razor sharp one. It will be in an upcoming video!