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Phew, this last month has been FULL of painting. As I was working on the Tyranids from the new starter set, I kept track of the days I made progress on. I'll have some tutorials coming along soon but here I wanted to capture the process of half planning a color scheme and then figuring out the other half as you go. I learned a lot on the planning and recording side of things too. Watch until the end for a start studded celebration. Enjoy!

A big thank you to games Workshop for sending this review copy!


Leviathan Progress Log


Jordan Pettit

Haha great video! When you said pasta… I thought I heard wrong. But indeed! It was the pasta!!


Ha, awesome! Amazing motivation as always seeing you put the work and hours in. Great to follow along the days and the ending was obviously great! I’m currently painting up an Aeldari Combat Patrol to get into 40k (have been an AoS player only) and for the first time after 4,5 years I’m really trying to get a small army painted in one swoop. It made me cut some corners here and there, reduce the amount of different colors and such but it is so cool to get stuff done and having more momentum than normally when I put too much time into units/armies. I’ve set myself a deadline and it’s working! Only 2 more models to finish now. One larger, one small. Lets gooo! Oh, and I find building so many models at once is the worst part of it all. 😵


Let's goooo! Yeah, that mass assembly can weigh you down, I find a movie is good to push on that. It's a different mindset when you want an army painted. The models are already great, I'll try to add a little life and they'll do their thing :) Something like that haha.