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Hi to every one)
And it is time for monthly exclusive picture =3
For this time I ventured on little experiment. I know that I alredy asked and most part from you said that you don't like to see non canon characters. But tentacles also are not canon characters, and many people liked it, but no matter.
Sometimes, when I draw picture I really feel limitation cuz ponies don't have hands and this detail create some bounds. Honestly this moment makes some ideas imposible to draw. And then I thought:
What if create some character and use it as instrument, as we use tentacles?
Honestly this could do open some new capabilities. Plus hands really brings some "liveliness" to the picture and even action for some ideas)
Of course I still think about it and this is gyst my first thoughts but I Think that griffin could be nice character for this goals.
So, what do you think if I created a character special for this goal?
Will you hate it?^^
Say me what you think)

Attention! No.. Alarm! Danger! 18+ content by the link (not for little children). Be sure you want to see this!

Link to the picture

Oh and I also drew a little bonus)
Just wanted to draw a butt =3
Deer's tails is best tails >w<




Looks more hipogriffin like mine yakovlev but still looks amazing ;)

Cult of Dust

Yep, that's a butt. And so is the bonus!


I'd love the character


Unicorns may emulate hands with magic &lt;. entry="" for="" lyra=""&gt;


Like lyra?


Just play around with hippogriffs, or as others suggest Lyra with her magic. Though the character you got looks great already. And deers are always good.


I feel like if you look for creative ways to use hooves, you can still have a lot of fun. Great pictures this month!

Crimson Flare

Now we need a follow-up picture of Trixie getting ravaged by that male!


I like the griffin in this pic and wouldn't mind if you wanted to draw him with some other characters in future exclusives. Honestly I see OCs get paired with canon characters so much from every other artist that it really doesn't bother me. Plus your OC's are always well designed and nice to look at. Also, the giant sandwich in the thumbnail made me laugh so hard once I realized what it was XD ALSO! Thank you for the bonus! Deers have the cutest butts ^_^

Winter Fox

'tis a good butt, sir.


Heh, I remember your hipogriffin, but this is simple coincidence ^^ I choised hipogriffin cuz: 1 - hands 2 - paws (cuz I love paws &gt;w


Mmmm, yes, honestly I also thought about this but... don't know why but I don't love magick hands cuz it looks a bit strange by my opinion. I find character with hands more preferable for fantasy, but I Also agree that unicorns can a lot =)


Thank you very much^_^ Heh, as I said many times - really love deers, I think they are one from my fav characters) Sad that canon haven't deer characters(


I have absolutely nothing against hooves but I afraid that hooves are not suitable for "thin" work^^ Thank you ^_^


I just saw that some artists have special characters for this "cases" and I thought about the same cuz why not) Also as I said it could to open new capabilities)) "Also, the giant sandwich in the thumbnail made me laugh so hard once I realized what it was XD" - heh, I just didn't knew how to do preview^^ Happy that you find it fun^_^ "ALSO! Thank you for the bonus! Deers have the cutest butts ^_^" - Absolutely Agree :D &gt;w&lt; Ur very welcome ^_^


Can we please have an Autumn Blaze kirin piece maybe for next month or even towards Christmas?! She is soooo cute, and would look adorable in Halloween or Christmas gear. Love your work so much, Yako! &lt;3