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Don't you would like to have one pony as own pet?
Personally I - want a lot >w<
I think most of us at least once had thought about it. But what about pony themselves? How would they react to such....an... offer?^^

I tried to imagine it and drew little Luna sketch)

So... honestly i think she will not agree^^ Furthermore I think she will in rage^^'




Just give a scratch behind the ears to calm her down.

Norbert Tot

I think she would be... pissed xD tbh I wouldn't be amused too if someone just came over here and would put a collar around my neck xP

Cult of Dust

It's the latest fashion, Luna. Trust me.


Hahahahah don't think they will take it kindly to this XD what about dragons then XD


From Princess of Equestria and Princess of Dreams to the pet of a lowly brony. What a sudden fall! Better take good care of your new Princess pony or she'll zap you with her magics!

Crimson Flare

This is adorable! Please tell me you plan to colour it!


A pet Luna does sound nice... but that face says forget it!


I agree with you, this is just my fantasy^^


Best goose