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Over the last couple of weeks I really, really enjoyed working on GrimLewd. The illustrations, polls and lore posts are fun to do. And I have a lot of ideas for a lot of different characters, stories, locations and lore bits. A lot.

A lot a lot. To be fair I have so many that I am getting a little bit of a decision paralysis. Do I draw monsters? Regular people? Crazy corrupt high level weirdos? Verakost? The Spill? More living fortress stuff?!?

Ultimately I'll do whatever I feel like doing BUT I do want to see what you guys are most interested in. This poll is by no means binding. I just want to see what's the general vibes out there.

And if you have any specific stuff you'd like to see, let me know in the comments.

Multiple choice enabled. If it doesn't work on mobile, try it on desktop.

Don't know what this is about? Check out the GrimLewd setting overview post


Nicholas Feltner

Not sure if it's a mobile issue. Can't choose more than one choice.

Nicholas Feltner

Also yes, would love to see way more of Grimlewd.


Deep vertical slices of an original fantasy land, down to ingredients, up to the battles of demigods.


I'm happy with Just about anything. Some of these feel like they might be repeating themselves but that might just be my D&D brain talking. I'm most excited in hearing about the world myself


I love all the character so far, from Noble to Commonfolk, Monster and Elf. The diversity make it so gooooood for me. But I also like a lot what you did with Verakost soldier/sigil it give a sense of continuity and "realism" to the world. On side note I feel that poll have some problem and might result with always the same type of character winning or similar kind of situation, idk how that can be solved tho.


But I do have a secret spot for more wild design approach like Burk burk (Walking fortress) and Ker Rotraud (Interface).


which option focuses on the corrupting and body-warping effects of the world?

Kai Sobil

Where's the button for, "I like everything you do and want to see everything in this list."? Sorry I can't help with your decision paralysis, I just want ALL the content for this series.


Would you draw the event of someone being corrupted or the thing that corrupts them?


I still like the name Grimlewd. You gonna change it?


Honestly this feels like the most fun you've had in your art since Alfie started. I hope you enjoy it and pace yourself. I think what would be nice is to see one character to follow for a bit in each territory and how that territory/corruption affects that type of person. Also throwing in a few peasant/royals to flesh out the lore/areas/story. Which is basically what you're doing, but instead of Waifu Royale going wide with characters, focusing on maybe 3 character's journeys over time would be my recommendation.


This project continues to be amazing. How much of the actual under-the-hood system mechanics have you worked out? I'm fascinated by the game-design elements as well as the sexy art and ideas.


I agree with Fireworkjack. It would be interesting to have a central character in each zone/realm to focus on. The setting is quite interesting and I have enjoyed reading about it. Hope to see more!


I know this poll is just to feel things out, but I really just want to see all of the Grimlewd lore you have in store. So far, it’s all been fascinating and you clearly have a deep passion for this project. I couldn’t decide on just one!


I love this project so much already, but I'm really hoping you'll take it in a more serial-comic direction, like Butt Smithy (or like the RPG-erotica comic "I Roved Out")


I am really enjoying this project. Is there any plan to do longer form stories in the world? Or to put out general rules and invite others to write in the system? Also, I would love to see the slow corruption and descent/ascent of a few characters over time.


What about Whore Queen's Island? Might just be my predictions showing, but that's where my interests lie...


I enjoy the danger and excitement many of these idea have centered around losing control. But more so I would love to see more characters banding together and finding comfort and support in each other. I think that's something that worked very well with Danny and Tilly when exploring corruption/conversion.


I understand the paralysis because on one hand, there's the urge to show off the regular lives of people in this world, and on the other there is the high fantasy really out there stuff. Personally I lean into exploring the more wondrous elements; even if you are talking about a simple tavern wench, her being faced with something fantastical teases the imagination and scratches the surface. Be it some monster, a highly corrupt individual and so on. The idea being to layer the fantasy we know with a little trademark GrimLewd touch. Give it that spice. Though on a more direct suggestion level, someone fancy/from royalty being secretly degenerate (or, god forbid, in some weird sex cult) would be pretty sweet. Nobles are the sort to get involved in such forbidden pleasures.


I agree with Goatrustler. I do love some corruption arcs, and I hope to see lots of those, but I'd also love to see some comfort/support happy endings (it helps makes the dark ones all the more juicy >:)


I like the idea of seeing how normal/low level people might interact with those farther along their particular paths.


Kinda wish we can cast 3 votes a poll to gage, intensity of desire. Like I really want to see more monsters and read more of the locations/kingdoms but I voted corrupted humans to read stories. All of it is good to flesh out the world. Honestly I’d like a setting book for an rpg from this.


We're gonna need a wiki or something. I'm already having trouble keeping track of the regions and how they were different from each other.


Why no Everything option?


I am very interested in what high level heroes look like in this setting. High level character in general. To get an idea of what the end game looks like.


I think that it could be a good idea to follow the path of a few characters, like the templar, the fey and maybe another character until they reach their final tier. Once we finish their stories we can change to another group.


Is this going to turn into an RPG manual? Small group 2-4 players, would be fun!

Tobias Apples

I'm here for the ride. GrimLewd is wild.


You might as well be making the Next GOT for HBO. I like the ideas.


I thought multi choice was enable.