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I am really happy to see GrimLewd [I still need to find a better name] getting such a good response! I have a lot of ideas for characters, monsters, locations, lore etc. I am having a lot of fun with this!

Anyway, time for another vote! Whichever of these characters win, will be a star of a NSFW follow up image. The details of which will be decided on next week.

Here's the candidates:

A)Sister Penitent 

B)Happy Inquisitor 

C)Corrupted Thief 

D)Walking Fortress 

E)Domestic Interface 

F)Monster Cook 

G)Spire Guard 

H)Banished Fey 

This vote ennds on monday, 10th of july

Multiple choice enabled. I know that some people had issues with it, especially on mobile devices, but it seems to work at least on pc.




Monster cook-looks lovely


Glad to see some more presenting masc characters. Keen to see you explore a greater diversity of genitals and presentations which Grimlewd seems ripe for.


What’s beneath that helmet? How long is the tong? The people must know.

Stephen Wells

Please, please let's have the top two entries get entangled, current voting is making my Monster Cook x Banished Fey dreams come true :)


I would just like to say that GrimLewd rolls off the tongue nicely and feels unique while at the same time describing the vibe and the content. I imagine there might be a better name out there somewhere but don't sell GrimLewd short. It's pretty great.

Joshua Wolfe

"A Twisted Path" is a pretty basic title, but I think it has accurate connotations. The people of the world have twisted the Path from the divine's original intent. All of the characters are on the Path, taking twists and turns as they advance up tiers, gain new traits, take secret classes, etc. Also, twisted path suggests an unexpected direction or something sinister ahead which fits a grim fantasy setting.


While I fully understand the success of Monster Cook and Banished Fey, Domestic Interface is so unique, and I hope to see them soon.


I love all these designs, but the poll format is getting even more frustrating now that there are a wider variety. I want to see Andrei so bad but because he's he's never going to win a poll, even though he's super fem. Disappointing


i feel your pain, nick. i feel the same way about the bug waifu. it's the problem with democracy...you can have a significant percentage of people always dissapointed, so long as you theoretically have a higher percentage of people who approve.

