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Sometimes you gotta go more Grim than Lewd! I cropped the preview image because of the gore. Vast majority of GrimLewds are going to be blood free BUT some will most likely get pretty nasty. It's a pretty screwed up world I am thinking up here!

The NSFW porn GrimLewds will always be gore free. I do not want to combine sex and violence in this project... But both will be present, even if separated.

Here's the uncropped image. Gore content warning:

Dropbox link

This image is the furthest away I've gone from drawing a waifu in a while haha. Sometimes what you need in your fantasy universe is a big monkey man wrecking fellas.

I do intend to fill GrimLewd with my own fantasy races. I do love me some orcs and elves BUT this is supposed to be an exercice in design and creativity. Next one will probably be more conventionaly attractive though.

Anyway, back to the money man. Lore tidbits:

Coldborne: A species of long ago corrupted humans living in the Spinelands. They are fairly smart BUT their bodies are unsuited for finer aspects of crafting and spellwork. Because of that Coldborne tribes tend to be very open to cooperation and cohabitation with uncorrupted humans.

They are all immune to cold from birth. With each level of any class they gain a slight strength and toughness buff.

Spires: Naturall, tower like, rock formations that form in some parts of the Spinelands. They are incredibly rich in magicaly potent materials and play a huge part in Coldborne culture as they are a source of their own corruption.

[Spire Guard]: A martial class with a little sprinking of magical ability. Focuses on heavy defensive buffs and abilities. Each level grants higher durability, strength and increases soul mana generation.

Example abilities:

[Gift of the Spires]: As long as you are able to see a Spire you are unkillable.

[Cold resilience]: Channel cold mana to gain health regeneration. Each tier increases strength and speed of the healing effect.

[Winter Bulwark]: As long as you defend an area infused with cold mana your strength and speed are increased. Each tier improves the effect.

I am writing a document about magic, mana souls and corruption. So all the "mana channeling" stuff will be explained in detail in the future.

Don't know what this is about? Check out the GrimLewd setting overview post



Coffee Sunshine

So... Trade, then? Trade is good yepyepyep


You might want to put in the rules a set up for the "framing document" of the game, where players know going-in how it's going to be. I.e. "this game is going to be Grim 3, Lewd 4, and Snark 2-Not a lot of jokes, rather messy, and a lot more boobs and cocks."

Shawn K. Younkin

Bwhahahahah!! He looks like he is checking his iPhone after massacring the little men... like, "Goddamnit, I'm going to be late for the christening, AGAIN!"


Neat, at first I was wondering if monstrous races and the like exist in this setting as well. Splintered off of humanity is one way of doing it especially feasible if magical corruption leaves a lingering effect on the offspring; that would make any accumulating changes to occur more quickly than natural selection. I take it that environment and other factors have impact on mutations and they aren't all just random? Either way more food for thought.


I know you're not intending to mix gore and horny but gd I want this giant man to fuck me

Stewart Moyer

At least this character has a good reason to do what he did. But I’d like to see how you’d make a character in here that just does inexcusably vile shit.

Matthias Urlichs

Frankly I'd rather see a world where nobody *just* does inexcusably vile shit. Shallow characters make for shallow stories.

Cheese Toast of Death

I just joined your Patreon, because your GrimLewd setting is right up my horny, cynical, dark fantasy-loving alley, and I've always thought your stuff was incredible. I really appreciate you keeping the sexiness and the violence separate- I've always been uncomfortable when they get mixed-up.

Liam Borja

I love him, the whole...well they fucked around and found out...poor idiots feel to him is great.

Ignacio Segura Montero

Love that they’re not just savages. They’re not mindless killers. They’re a different culture physically adapted to their environment who are more than willing to cooperate but are definitely not willing to let your sorry ass colonize them. New favorites!

Dirk In The Dark

Incredible art/scene, and the thoughts from the guard are perfect. Purposeful coupled with somewhat bitter remorse. Yep, they should have stayed home with their young...


I'm very interested in that "Gift of the Spires" ability. Like, is it literally SEEING a Spire, or does he just need to be within "seeing distance"? Could you kill him when he blinks, or is there a time buffer? If there's a time buffer, does it also take a moment for the unkillable effect to "kick in" when a Spire goes from out-of-sight to within-sight? Could you blind him first (temporarily or permanently) to stop the effect? In what way is he unkillable: no matter how much damage he sustains, he won't die, OR he doesn't take damage to start with, OR he just has so many buffs that killing him is unattainable by anyone that doesn't have even greater, more stupidly powerful buffs?

Dan Curtis

I would opt for trade with Korvai rather than the alternative choice those other people made.


The ability works as long as he is reasonably able to see the spires within a couple of heartbeats. Meaning he doesn't actually have to be looking at a spire for it to work. He just needs to be able to do it. Which leaves plenty of ways of killing him: blind him, restrain him, lure him somewhere without a sightline etc. As for your other question, unkillable means that he can not take a mortal wound. Any wound that would kill him will simply not happen. The part of his body struck will become impossibly tough for the duration needed to deflect the blow. He can still take lesser damage though. It's not a perfect death immunity. If he looses a lot of blood he will become weakend and even pass out... And he can't see the spires when unconcious. The [Cold resilience] skill covers for that weakness though.