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First of all, I've begun uploading my finished illustrations to Newgrounds. Being a boomer at heart, I did not realise that twitter will not display my works to people not logged in.  All of you should be able to see the new content that way.

And boy, have I made some content since the last post! Since the models are way not ready for animation [or at least good looking animation] I tried something different. I posed and lit them in blender before painting over the resulting render. This workflow makes it possible for me to make rather detailed images in fraction of the time that it would take to sketch and paint them properly. 

Here's the raw renders that I later painted over 

Here's the finished images. You can also check them out on newgrounds 

I am really sorry to say that I only recorded one timelapse of the paintover process. I stupidly thought that nobody would be interested. Why did I think that? I don't know. I'll be recording them all from now on.

Anyway, what do you think of the finished images? I am worried that they look too artificial, but I think I managed to replicate my painting style pretty well. I really want to try to do a comic in this style in the future [after I finish Room and Board]. I could make pages so much faster than I do now. Aaaah!

When I started working on the 3D models I was serious about learning animation... But now? I think it may be the next step in improving my comic output. Alfie will always remain drawn the traditional way, but I can see so much potential for hybrid 2d/3d comics. What worries me is that I can't think of another artist doing comics that way... At least not with any level of quality. All the 3d paintovers I've seen were... Subpar to say the least. 

Next week I'll put more effort into finishing the lady model and rig. Once I have all the fundamentals more or less done, I will try to see how many distinct characters I can get out of this one frame. I am fairly certain I can easily change the face/breast/general body shape as well as hairstyle and skin texture. We'll see how far I can push it.



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