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  • WT hair 3.mp4
  • wt hair 7.mp4



I am not certain about patreon policy for uploading nude pics to the front page, so I'll just link them in the post.


Last week has been pretty eventful as far as 3d persuits go.  I made some good progress on the demon lad rig, and finally tested it out. The rig isn't finished yet, and won't be for a while, but I am happy that it was my first attempt at making my own model from scratch. I've learned a lot.

Enough to start working on what this whole thing has really been about. WAIFUS. Big lads are fun, but we all know why we're here. Boobies. A couple of days ago I started working on a proper base body for a lady model. It should be versitale enough that I could make a bunch of characters based of it.

Since I don't feel like modeling a whole new set of teeth again I just grabbed the set from the demon lad. I'll make the first model some sort of a vampire. Why not. Here's a quick lighting test. Nevermind the fucky hair physics 

So far I have her mostly modeled, fairly textured and about 60% rigged. nowhere near enough to animate, but I should be able to get some still pics done. The goal for next week is to get the model finished [mostly, and start getting some CONTENT made. 

I love working on 3D art, but it's killing me how long it takes to get anything done. I know that whatever I make, I will have availible forever, so it will be worth it in the end, bud damn. I am used to a different rhytm of content creation.

Sooon.... sooon... Once I have a couple of models, and assets it's content time!



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