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Hello guys.

VR_Ferals 0.13

PC and internet is back on again and im in the final steps of the public release of VR_Ferals 0.13. Found some crucial bugs last week in VR Mode that prevented the UI from working properly. It works now but the posing feature is still very clunky in VR mode.

For that reason i recommend to use the pose feature only in normal mode.

I also switched over to Win10 on my working machine because it was not possible for me to get the DK2 running in Unity 5.4.1 under Win7 which costed a lot of time. It seems like this is a problem from the Facebook side. So sadly i have to wait for a fix. Until then i will work on my W10 machine. Man i really hate Win10!

If anyone knows a work-around, feel free to contact me!

The compiled version of VR_Ferals 0.13 still runs on Win7 though.

Polls and Credits

Thanks to all supporters that voted for the next big thing coming to VR_Ferals. Animations for the raptor. :)

There is also a post comming for personal icons that will be added to the credits page for feral expert patrons and above.



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