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Hello guys. ;_;

I moved to my new study place last week and it seems like my 2012 build PC did not survive the 150km trip to the new appartment. Gladly there was no data loss involved but the mainboard seems to be damaged. Its also pretty hard to get a 1155 socket mainboard these days for less then 150€ which means that i will probably switch over to a new processor(likely an i7), even though my i5 is still intact.

Also the IP is slow as usual to send me an network engineer to get internet running in my new place. They told me it will likely take up to the 14.10 for me to get full internet access again. They also send me a very slow internet stick with a download volume of 500MB per day which also feels like beeing back in the good old 56k modem days.

I highly appologize for all this. At this state the public release of VR_Ferals 0.13 will be very likely delayed to mid october or maybe early next week if i get the computer parts this week.

Its also pretty interesting how fucked you are with no internet and working PC when you need to look online for your courses, homework or prof emails.

My appologies guys :(


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