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Hello friends,

Im happy to announce, that the 2Bulls 1"Cow" standalone scenario was released yesterday for internal testing. Its available for FERAL Testers and it will be released to the public, at some time in the future when its polished enough. You can download it instantly at the FERAL Tester reward tier: Link

Added features:

- Get yourself in a nice position to watch the felkin having some fun. <3

- Smooth hover movements by adding dampening to prevent nausea by abrupt movements.

- The crosshair is now shiny and indicates when its covered by an object. So it will be easier to focus things.

- Added Screen space shadows to overall improve the look of the fur without much performance costs.

- Overall performance and graphics tweaks.


There are no controls with VR controllers yet.

- Press WASD or numpad to float around smoothly in the scene

- Press mouse wheel to zoom in and out

- Press X or 5 to reset the camera target

- Press right click to rotate the target(crosshair)

Known Issue

- There are some VR related issues that multiply the cameras on some machines. Im currently working on this.

Whats coming next?

- Ever wanted to get your felkin into that game? Im currently open for commissions to add custom fur pattern to the game. All fur patterns will be pickable in future scenarios. This also includes both gender variants. The commission will cost 70$. There are 5 slots available.

- Make the users able to swap felkin positions. Because all of them want to be the "cow" :>

- Graphic settings, especially for the fur for low- to high-end machines.



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