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Seraph Armaros

I love this episode so much, it just pure hype. Kirika's character development was great. Adam is such an easy to hate villain. Hibiki and Miku's interactions were really well done. It's just super solid. It's interesting that Saint Germain's goal is similar to Fine's (end the Curse of Balal), but their motivations are completely different. As for how strong Adam is, he's the founder of the Bavarian Illuminati, and is probably the most powerful alchemist in existence now that Carol is gone.

Without A Net

In case you didn't have enough tears about the Kirika situation. This thread really pushed her higher in my rankings https://old.reddit.com/r/Symphogear/comments/mqfjpq/why_symphogear_axz_is_the_best_one_part_1/ To quote the relevant part And yet… none of the above characters are who get the crowning moment of character development this season. Because now... we come to Kirika. Oh, Kirika. At the end of Episode 10, to protect Hibiki from a Golden Transmutation bomb, Kirika purposefully overdoses on LiNKER and performs her Swan Song, ready and willing to die in the process. This is the only time since Season 1 that the Swan Song has felt remotely threatening. In Season 1, the Swan Song was something truly tragic and haunting, something that couldn't be brought out without the understanding that the performer was very likely to die, and if not, undertake serious and life-threatening damage to their body and mind. And even though flipping it into something triumphant did end up creating some utterly legendary scenes, there’s an extent to which that horror and profound sadness surrounding it will always be the most compelling thing about it, and the defanging of it a disappointment. Just… that instant, when you recognize Kirika’s creaking voice singing the Swan Song, ever-so-faintly audible over all the roaring fire and energy, is one of the most singularly chilling moments in the series. Obviously Kirika isn’t actually going to die since she’s a main character and this isn’t really that kind of show, but that’s not what matters. What matters is that Kirika knows she could die, and keeping that fact in mind puts this scene into sharp relief. Kirika’s, as far as she’s concerned, dying speech after performing her Swan Song snaps so much of her character into context. Kirika never knew her real birthday, never had that day of pure celebration and fun as a kid, so she sees the birthdays of those she is close with as something especially worthy of cherishing and savoring, and given that Hibiki’s birthday has been established as an important thing that these characters, and by extension we, care about, Kirika’s words about not wanting Hibiki to miss her birthdays hit all the harder. It is heartbreaking, and given we just minutes earlier heard Kirika sing alongside Hibiki with such drive and passion and love about protecting those who she cares about, it hits with so much more meaning now that she is immediately ready to put her money where her mouth is and sacrifice her life for it. It’s a worldview I greatly admire, Kirika’s. Those carrying the fewest burdens have the most of their shoulders to give to cry on, after all, and Kirika clearly aspires to be that person. There’s a comforting presence to someone like that; someone who takes life in stride, leisurely breezing along that path of life with as many smiles and happy moments and memories as they can, no troubles weighing them down, cheering those who need it up along the way, yet is willing to lay everything down to help their friends when their support is truly needed. As much as Kirika has suffered, she's picked up such a fun, easygoing personality because she wants to be that light, that sunshine, that bright, positive presence in the lives of others. That’s the exact kind of person I want to be too, really. And yet; the fact that she was so willing to throw her own life away like that. The fact that she doesn't seem to value her own existence enough to not charge straight into suicide for the sake of protecting the people who do care about her. It indicates that Kirika is still deeply messed up, even despite that carefree person she acts as, the person she wants to be in the face of her past traumas. And when those canisters of LiNKER spill out, making it clear that she overdosed… god, just… fuck, dude. This one scene adds so many layers to this character, all while piling on heartwrenching words and gutpunching twists at such a consistent rhythm to where each moment hits as hard as the last, it’s just so powerful. Never let it be said that Kirika wouldn't honestly take a bullet for her friends; or a massive golden alchemy firebomb, at that.