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Seraph Armaros

Whaaaat? No way! I love the Nanoha franchise! Just to answer some questions - they got all 21 Jewel Seeds by the end. Remember that the Administration Bureau ended up with more than half of them (Nanoha's half of the bet before their final battle), which is why Precia had to attempt the journey with only 9 when Fate lost to Nanoha. Presumably those 9 were used up to open the dimensional rift for Precia. The purple space the Arthra is flying through is called the Dimension Space, and it's the space that exists between dimensions. The "Lyrical" part comes from the TV Series, where in the beginning to cast a spell she need to do a chant that began with "Magical, Lyrical-" A lot of the "learning to do magic" part of the series was condensed into a short montage in the movie, so they kinda skipped needing the chant.

Izaya's VIP Chatroom

You have Nano-kun to thank for that and so do I! For introducing me to the Nanoha movies! Yeah, I thought so as I do remember Nanoha collecting more Jewel Seeds than Fate so I should have just assumed that they collected all 21! Oh! So those jewels have been used are no longer able to be used then correct? So there are only 13 Jewel Seed remaining then! I wonder what importance they will play in the later movies considering how powerful they can be as a Catalyst for pretty much anything! Ah noted! the concept is used in quite a few sci-fi series/movies so I had a hunch but wanted to make sure! Thank you for clearing up the "Lyrical" part as that did leave me abit perplexed at the end as everything was there but the "Lyrical" part, but after that explanation that explains it all. And the way you phrased it, I'm guessing the magic learning took up quite a few episodes in the original series! How do you feel about the show taking out the chant? Does it take away from the experience or is it fine? Either way, I can't wait to see what Nanoha will be up to in the next movie!

Seraph Armaros

Oh, I forgot to mention, Yuuno isn't actually a familiar. He has a spell that allows him to change into an animal form to conserve magic for things like healing and such, as well as avoid suspicion while on alien worlds. It's confusing since some of his Bind spells are similar to Arf's and the whole animal form thing is similar to what familiars can do.

Izaya's VIP Chatroom

So sorry for not replying to this earlier! notifications of Patreon can be iffy at times. Oh interesting! I was wondering how he became a familiar to Nanoha but didn't really question it as they were already able to talk to each other through telepathy, so I didn't really focus on whether he was a familiar or not, especially when I saw Arf switching from animal to human form! But thank you for clearing that up for me!