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New version released, simply replace the data.zip in the existing game folder and it should work just fine.

VERSION v0.1.1


I want to try and release an up to date version each month when I post one of these updates so keep an eye out for that.

There's a changelog in the folder I'm linking that includes all the changes I made since that last version but I'll put it all at the end of this post for those who aren't bothered about updating. It might look like a lot but in reality it was a lot of small adjustments and fixes, with a couple of new items to mess around with. Nothing substantial yet. I'm also trying to work on some music but it's taking a while to get used to making music again honestly, it's been a while. Other than that I'm planning on getting some of the other character designs finalised so I can have some more players actually playable. I also want some more backgrounds especially for the stage cause the current one is fine for mood but it needs to be replaced.

One last thing for those who've played the game so far, does the title screen background work? Cause I've watched one friend play it and the title screen only has a blank background for them. So it might be that their computer is very ass or I've messed up something there. It should be a purple version of the stage background, I've shown it in a gif before. If it's fine then I won't worry about it for now at least.



- Bosses now allow for a short entry animation before their first spell.

- Bosses now wait a short duration between spells.

- Some menus disabled briefly after being opened.

- Some sounds now have subtly randomised pitches.

- New player hitbox visuals and effects.

- Added a subtle glow behind player sprite.

- Added sketchy player sprite for Flytrap.

- Added some new effects to enemy healthbars.

- New Item: Big Death Bomb.

- New Item: Death Bomb Time Up.

- New Item: Pierce Bounce.

- New Item: Hadal Devil.

- New Item: Spirit Shackles.

- New Item: Violence Engine.

- New Item: Desecration Doll.

- Added loading screen at the start of the game.

- New Bullet State and Bullet Pattern objects to aid in scripting.


- Modified shot homing formula. Should be more accurate at longer ranges.

- Modified Item: Homing Shot - Homing increased.

- Increased base player movement speed and pickup radius slightly.

- Increased point item reward from perfectly clearing a spell.

- Increased rate at which pickup radius and graze radius are boosted by items.

- Improved bomb scaling from the bomb support stat.

- 3 large bomb pickups are needed to get a bomb extend instead of 5.

- If you die with more than 3 bombs then your bombs don't get reset.

- Survival spells no longer appear on stage 1.

- Low health enemy damage sound grows louder from zero as health lowers.

- Improved closest enemy targetting to be more accurate.

- Homing shots now gradually lose homing if enough time has passed to prevent shots potentially never leaving the screen.

- Invulnerability and bomb cooldown when bombing is now controlled by the bomb object instead of the player.

- 'Bomb Efficiency' stat renamed to 'Bomb Support'. It mostly affects radius but can affect other attributes depending on the bomb.

- Enemy healthbars are more transparent when the player is close to the enemy.

- Changed window title.

- Enemies no longer flash while invulnerable.

- Temporarily removed item: Tubular Bells. (it doesn't even do what it says lol).


- Invulnerable enemy damage sound no longer pans horribly.

- Fixed some screen shaking not working.

- Fixed flytrap bomb target effects sometimes spawning at (0,0).

- Got rid of the ui goop blocking the spell timer and music name.

- Fixed bosses spawned on the practice stage sometimes dropping pickups upon spawn.

- Fixed an infinite loop caused when certain familiar's attack speed was too high.


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