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So. I planned on learning 3d Modelling again and getting good at doing cool stuff like back when I was in High School. However, I was stopped by the fact I still have a bunch of Commissions and such to finish up. Thankfully I'm near done with a lot of stuff and should be ready to focus on it full force, but, I ran into a problem pretty much face first while planning on how to learn 3d Modelling.

What the fuck am I going to model? 

You have to understand, this SEEMS like a simple question, but it is DECEPTIVELY complex. Art, a lot of the time, is about subject and I fall into that weird camp where without something to push me into keeping with it. So. I decided I should do 3d Models of my characters, but, to make it just THAT more difficult I also decided to make new designs for them. Non-pokemon designs. So I can look like a cool guy with my OC CHARACTERS. So. Here they are.

First up we have Venko, the one of the first ones to offically have a 3d Ref sheet for me to use later when actually modelling him. God I really hope this works out. You also have another image of him looking all lewd and such because I was really trying to get a feel for the design and I think it works out great. These are also great poses to try and re-create once the model is made. Technically he's part of a Rabbit race I've made, but not actually properly named. As you can see, he can still make the classic looks... I'll do some more up of him since it'd be cool as a real basic model sheet for him. His design is supposed to evoke a very Divine kind of look, as seen by the Halo about his head in the fur pattern and the accents in that orange fur section and such. 

After that we have the START of the sheet I'm doing for Titania. Titania is a COUPLE OF VENKO'S TALL as noted. She is an absolute unit of a Woman and that is not to be disputed. She is... er... Very lewd. Yes. She 's got all the hallmarks of the old design, but with far more DEMON and SHEEP put in. She doesn't get as much of an overhaul as Venko does since she was already kind of 'there'. 

Landri is getting one of these too, eventually. Tha's gonna be a FUCKIN' DOUSEY. I'm sure.



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