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Edit: yo sorry for the slowness, I even made a release date graphic and everything but I'm dealing with an ear infection atm so I may be a day or so late with the HU , sorry!

I've been totally wrapped up in working on three projects at once and man my release schedule at this point has a barren desert!

Luckily, I have something to show for it. Behold, the fruits of a hyperactive brain given control of artificial intelligence:

This (the engine specifically) has been eating up a lot of my brain space lately. I've made several massive personal leaps in my programming ability (can you believe it's taken me this many years to learn that "eval" is a thing?) and in my CSS skills.

You can even walk around on these little grid things!

Coding for the game has been really fun. I even figured out how to do if statement blocks on writeHTML!

Content wise, I'd like to know what you all think. You can see some of the influence of Trials in Tainted Space by Fenoxo, I could lean further in that direction and use AI art to allow for that same depth of customization but with a higher emphasis on images a better mobile layout. I can't post them here, but I've been taking advantage of AI's potential, so consider hopping into the discord if you wanna see things like goblins with knotted dicks.

That said, TiTs puts a lot of the more classic scifi elements on the backburner to focus on furry content. I could pivot away from that and the furier elements, and focus on more on elements like psionic power, space travel, and much more out-there alien ideas.

I also really love shortstacks and most of my image generating has been my pc in the background producing over 7k shortstack girl images. Humans, goblins, catgirls, imps, robots, if it's short and stacked then I wanna try and include it. I haven't put much work into generating normal sized humans or male characters as of right now.

So let me know what you all think! Working on this has really resparked my development passion, so I'm pretty excited for any ideas you guys might be able to suggest. And if you have any suggestions for the engine please let me know. When building hentai university I looked a lot at RenPy for inspiration for the writeHTML system, so I'd like to take a similar look at the engines thet CoC and TiTs use to try and figure out how they manage to account for the massive variety of character builds in their scenes.

But don't think I'm forgetting about HU and HAA! Work still continues on those fronts, and I'm medicated now so there should be more productivity (hopefully with more consistency too!).

Speaking of, I'll be releasing Hentai University v30 in less than a week, on the 21st!

I've already talked a lot about the content I'll be adding, so I hope you enjoy, and after that a break from HU for some Human Alteration App content in July! Maybe a short story prepared in this new engine to tide you all over in the first half of the month? I think that could be really fun, but a full update at the end of july instead is an appealing idea.



7k images of shortstacks. I see you are a man of culture


This looks really interesting. I'd love to see how far you go with this :D

Wild Bill

That catgirl is pretty hot.


I'd still invite people to come join the Discord if you're not there. Both for more active discussion on this stuff and because I need some people there to poke me and get me off my ass to make up preview pics for the HU character things I trained so I can actually upload them to Civit.


Bro its the 24 what happened


Got an ear infection sorry, still been writing though! The lack of sleep and then the powerful pain meds means that Eva's ending will be... Weird, but I still hope you'll enjoy it!