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Hiya friends!

I ended up splitting my attention all over the place this month! While nothing's finished for release yet I do have some neat things to show off.

Firstly I've been experimenting more with AI. I really like this Asanagi style:

But a lot of the other styles I've been experimenting with look nice too:

No idea what I'll use them for yet. The level of character customization that AI would allow for point me in the direction of a game maybe like Corruption of Champions? Something primarily text-based, but it would have scene images kind of like some RAGs titles.

I also got some work done on Hentai University:

Since the carnivore content is a new character, one who overlaps with the massage boi introduced in Ophelia's story, the vegetarian content is an expansion on Abba, allowing you to reset her, fleshing out her repeat scenes, and adding a special scene for when you've reduced her level to 1. Still trying to figure out why the app's button is invisible for some people playing mobile on chrome though...

Eva's new content are new outfits! A super slutty one and one where she has a tan. Can ghosts get sunburn?

I also purchased some of the oreteki18kin sets that weren't released on sadpanda yet. As a result I have... Maybe a few too many oreteki characters due to be added to the game:

Which is a pretty serious issue, since I'm running pretty low on carnivore sets! Because of this, I split my attention even further and started planning out stuff for the fantasy variant of Hentai University.

And promptly learned I have more carnivore sets than I do vegetarian ones. I think my plan will be to do one-three vegetarian-only updates for hentai university, while also working on carnivore-only updates for this new fantasy game. That way I can dish out content for everyone.

I've also been at work on Human Alteration App! Alexis's customization system is really enjoyable to work with:

But the majority of my focus thus far has been on the sub route, as it hits more of my personal buttons:

So yeah, I maybe split my focus a bit too much this month. Whoopsie! I'll be releasing Hentai University v30 this month for sure

Should I do a poll on what comes after? 

More HU? The game's close to what I consider completed. There's maybe six more updates left worth of carnivore content, and at that point I think I might be satisfied with the state of the game.

A demo for the fantasy variant? While I have some stuff outlined I'm not sure if I should include actual gameplay yet, or follow a similar structure to university.

Focus on HAA? Since it's so bulky and the two routes would be worked on at the same time, it's kinda like working on two games at once.

Or should I keep experimenting with AI? There's probably plenty of really cool ideas I could explore. There's that CoC-like idea I mentioned earlier. If I had total freedom, I'd probably end up making something pretty similar in tone to HAA's sub route, but I could probably wrangle myself into something more dom-friendly.

If you need some images generated for you by the way, slacker and I have been generating our own for a while now. It's pretty fun! You could pop in and make a request of us, or shoot me an email at noodlejacuzzi@gmail.com (I might not get back to you right away though if I'm working on game dev-ing)

Anyways that's what I've been up to! Talk to you again soon!


Wild Bill

One of the problems in all AI art I've seen is consistency; you do it well and you can get one image that looks pretty good, but if you try and make a second picture of the same character there will be differences that wouldn't be there if an actual artist drew it.


It can actually be more consistent than you think, honestly. It's not good enough to make a character from scratch, but for things like filling out a set with other little random images it can work pretty well. I've been playing around with the AI stuff for a while (mostly for making TTRPG character portraits) but I've also made some trained Lora's for some HU characters that I've shown off in the Discord and they work pretty well. Again, not a thing for a character from nothing, and not something you're going to get top tier results out of, but as a stopgap when you're "missing" an image you'd like to have it's nice to have.