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Behold! My new anonymous suggestion box! This one won't hound me for a $25 a month subscription fee or require an hour to get access to. Thank you very much to the reddit poster who suggested I use a google form.

Today I will be answering the last questions on my old suggestion boxes and retiring them, and only using this new form for suggestions. Thank you to everyone who's made a suggestion so far! Buckle up, we have 127 suggestions to go through today to catch up!

I don't think I can, or at least I don't know how I would.

Sure! I'll cook one up for dinner tonight.

Like crossovers? That seems like a good idea for mods.

Charlotte you need to reset her and make sure not to bone her last. Then she'll give you her ending.

Ella used to require you to reset olivia, but that has since been changed.

Crypto's working on a girl with a footjob set of images, Nikki.

More neighbors could be fun! Vintage street is getting a little crowded anyways.

Ok jeez

I want more scenes too. I think that there weren't any other images for long hair steph, that's why her stuff stops there. I'd like to do more lana sometime soon. More characters are coming, male and female. I don't think we need any more locations.

Like a toggle? I intended that back a long time ago to switch off artists, but everyone's so interconnected now it'd be a lot of trouble.

Glad you like it! Dominant fembois are really rare, I think an upcoming Gekka scene is the closest you'll get.

My other games have become my weird stuff outlet lately, so I don't think I'll venture too far into weird. I've been told that Aya as an artist would probably be too weird for HU.

Turning the player into a femboi is tough, because it would probably be for just one scene, and whatever set I use could probably make an entire character. Plus, a guy turning into a femboi and a girl turning into a femboi would be very different scene, it'd be the first gender-split scene in the game.

If I find the images that speak to me I'll put it on the backlog though. Thanks!

Glad you enjoyed! You're just an ordinary counselor, why wouldn't you be helping people?

That's what Midnight Bliss is for.

I... Yeah. That's what happens.

But why though?

ez pz lemon squeezie I can do that

*glopping sound*

They could be good mod characters.

It is too much work, unfortunately. The best I can do (and did) is add that blacklist cheat and try to crop the images I use.

Yep. That's an issue with using so many varying image sets. It's actually an issue if I ever wanna do Hentai Fantasy, as the good girl sets depict the player as a shota, and the boi sets depict the player as an ugly bastard. It makes me want to cry.

Do the Gou endings instead where he's the one to transform you, that one's happier. Meph is meant to have a drug-like NTR appeal.



He couldn't destroy a wet piece of tissue paper with that thing. Sorry to burst your bubble (which gou's prick couldn't do either).

This is after Damian came out, so he isn't masculine enough for your tastes?

It would be, I agree.

I'm late to the party on responding to this, but I hope you enjoyed it. She's actually not very popular.




It's not like I made them that size...

Plus, the bois are so small, someone needs to counterbalance that. What better than big booba?

Maybe the town is getting a little crowded... How about a summer vacation out in a rural town?

Agreed, bois are very cute. I'm glad I'm hitting a nice niche with HU's femboy content.

But I have a github... I would like some place where things that break patreon / discord's TOS can be hosted. Somebody go make one so that my unrelated friend PastaPatio can write really weird stuff.

Slowly breaking characters is hard given the nature of the images used, and my own terrible patience. I can certainly try though. Shikuta Maru writes a lot of really cute housewives.

You saw the future! Quickly oracle, will NoodleCoin take off to the moon?


Glad you like sam! I'm glad he has no cap.

... But only sam? Nobody else?


The MC's backstory and people they've previously hypno'd is a pretty frequent topic of dicussion in the discord too.

Glad you enjoy!

But does making you have to buy things to progress make the game more fun, or more tedious? I like making choices, and I want to make money have value, but if I just add more items like emily's beer that's just a tax.

I don't speak any Brazilian languages though.

That would be cool. I'll draw a demonic circle and make a contract to try and give slacker more free time.

Thank you uwu

I'm pretty sure I fixed this, but just as a reminder bug reports are best left sent to me some other way so I can respond and check the bugfix off.

I don't think crypto wrote a scene for him.

Glad you liked it! I can try drawing some pepperonis on victoria's face for you, that's the best I've got. I don't have any QT pie ginger girl sets at the moment.

That's what the crowns are for.

Once I do triple triad the endings will also give cards as well, so that's another way to cater to the completionists.

I hope you enjoyed the rest of robin. 

Even if I go back to full time development, I probably won't release university updates any faster. I need variety in my diet to be a healthy noodle. For you, an update lasts just an hour, but for me each update consumes my mind and body for something like two weeks.

Since this post there have been many. I hope you enjoyed them!

No and yes.

What about them?

More are coming, however pregnancy in cg sets is usually limited to a single scene. It's tragic, I wouldn't mind doing a character who remains pregnant for longer.

Hmm... I don't have any ideas for her. Tia, Emily, and someday Eva. These characters have a very similar vibe in my mind.

Good news! Daniella's ending includes Olivia, and everyone is happy forever.

Yep, that's a result of using various CG sets, sorry. If you pay me a brazillian dollars I'll hire someone to remake the game in honey select.

Wait what what what where does it say that you're old in the text? Gou and Ash call you old, but that's because they're sassy twink brats.

This one made my day. It's that genuine honesty combined with the unexpected weird factor. 10/10, I'll remember this one for a long time.

Someday. I have a lot on my plate for now. I actually have a femboi twin set, it's just really, really hard to crop their profile pics for transparent styles like Persona. That is genuinely why they haven't appeared yet.

Thanks, glad you enjoyed! I don't have a twin girl set at the moment, but I'll keep an eye out.

I try not to create too many divides in the university's fanbase. Maybe I'll do an ntr focused game in the future, but I don't want anyone to get mad. It's why I don't do furry stuff. I'm alright with it personally tho.

Really? Thanks! I think you're good too, anon.

Sure, I could do that.


Are you the same person as above? I'd have done it faster if you dm'd me directly.

Refreshing the game will chunk that out. That's a bug that'll live in my hair for at least a little while longer.

I'll do my best to add some.

A tall order! I can give it a shot, but the ptsa council is already the most ambitious crossover in cinematic history.

And of course the mayor will be a lady, who do you think I am?

Nikki would have been perfect for that, I haven't found anyone else.

Maybe someday.

(◡ ω ◡)

It is the bomb indeed!

You could write one yourself.

Thanks! Trust me, I'll be very vocal if I make another game like HU.


But... Why not both?


What's with everyone and flat chested girls? The bois are flat already. Big Booba supremacy!

Seriously though, more flat chested girls... I guess I can try. I can also try for more master slave stuff too, the fiend girl is a good target for that.

And thanks, glad you enjoyed!

Interestingly, the second one would probably fit less in the game.

Sure! I did that since this post.


I hope Gekka hit that spot for you, whoever you are.

Thanks, glad you enjoyed! Dom bois, it's not in the images I have. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for any switch boi stuff though. There's this gyaru boi I've been eyeing who looks like a decent power bottom...

I cannot. Ace can! I'm sure you'll enjoy. He probably won't read this so I can compliment him as much as I want.

So cool! Rad! I like your mods!

Oh jeez, okay. Lemme finish them first tho okay?

Please play my games on my index instead, it's safer and less buggy. Still, glad you enjoyed!

Aside from that, I'm very glad you enjoyed! Whoever you are, if you're still having trouble let me know. Anyone facing issues should probably message me here or on discord so I can give guidance.

I'll see about adding a font size option. You can also play the mobile version on a tablet.

Like a guide character? I think I'll have the student council secretary girl do that once I add her.

I can try. Slacker's the top writer in that regard, so after I defeat crypto at writing gyaru girls I'll tackle slacker's girl Zoe.

Thanks! I dunno, it's risky. Slacker suggested a character that starts as femdom and you overpower. What do you all think?

>w> Thanks

What kind of Lisa content would you want to see?

And Crypto writes Sienna, not me, so you'll have to poke him on discord for that.

I don't know much about BDSM, but if it's in the images I'll do my best.

You certainly like calcium. Glad you enjoyed!

What more could I do with money I wonder?

Oh man. Before this comment I wasn't planning on adding any more bois to the game, but you've convinced me.

Hmm. Boi maids. I wouldn't want to put the cafe behind a female character if I planned to do male stuff with it, otherwise carnivore players would miss out on content.

However as a whole a maid cafe is a great idea, and is already in my plans for the future.

Don't ever feel nervous about giving feedback on the discord, I love all yall!


Agreed, maybe the secretary of the student council can do that.

Extra dialogue huh? Any scenes stand out in particular?

Thanks! Even without the cheats I tried to avoid making the game grindy.


----------------- ANOMALY VAULT -----------------------

Just like one of my Chinese cartoons!

A female MC version of anomaly could be fun, but most of my female protag ideas and kinks end up getting used for rainy.

The sponsor mostly requested the player be in control.

I don't wanna write a pacifier.

Wait you already see what happens when you put people in the box. That scene better still be working.

I haven't done any real porn pregnancy stuff yet. I wonder why it's rare?

I think that was a cut scene actually. I think that was a cut scene actually. I think that was a cut scene actually.

Female to sissy is definitely an unexplored design space.

Interestingly, the sponsor requested I avoid this where possible. Everyone has their own tastes, chocolate wasn't one of theirs.

That sounds like the most difficult artifact to code with absolutely no payoff.

Me too. But this isn't the rainy dayz suggestion box.

And gives them BIG TIDDY

Glad you enjoyed!

I think artifacts like this are why it became so hard to write AV in the end. Like it's all the same scene when you boil it down. Causing orgies and sexual frenzy is something many artifacts do.

It would be. I don't think it was on the sponsor's fetish list though.

More? Are there any currently?

Good dog. Thanks! Like an actual switch that makes people into switches? That's a nice pun.

-------------------- HUMAN ALTERATION APP -------------------------

Everybody's asking for it these days.

I actually cut out a few places to make navigation smoother. I don't see much of a point to expand it back out again, at least for now.

I think I fixed that, at least in the online version.

No hablas Espanol

No hablas at all, sorry.

Okay I can get the pregnancy stuff

But you want them to take pregnancy tests? Why? You could use the app.



--------------------------- Rainy DayZ -------------------------

Is this some kind of brilliant meta humor I'm too much of a plebian to understand?

... Hi?



I think it could be really cool to do that, but I don't have the time to do multiple games, and while Rainy's audience is very passionate it's also small enough to hurt my soul whenever I update the game and get just 2 posts on f95zone. Medicenter passed rainy in viewcount with just one update. If I do short stories or simple CYOAs will that tide you guys over in the meantime?

Me too, buddy. Me too. I swear on this demonic left arm of mine that you will play that last story some day. 

Agreed, thank you.

It was set aside so I can keep working towards being a full time developer. Save me from the service industry, please.

-------------------- Bitch Medicenter -----------------------

Please don't do this with the new forms or I'll have to require email addresses. That'd defeat the whole purpose of suggestion boxes. Thankfully now at least I have the ability to delete entries with the google form.

------------------------- MISC ------------------------------

A lot of people request the opposite. I can't please everyone, which side of the dom/sub angle do you guys feel is underrepresented in porn games these days?



🤷‍♂️ I mean I will play all the routes cause a game is still a game and I have a a drive to get as close 100% in any game I play


I'm more of a sub personally, I like when someone else is in control. I don't hate dom though unless it goes all out like bdsm and such.