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Salutations and greetings, friends! It's tiiiiime for the~

Yes that's right! You, dear counselors, having just gotten back from the land of spooky ghosts, shall decide on which girls shall appear in Hentai University v22!

On the carnivore end of things, the priest is already so close to finished that he's guaranteed for v22. I'll do a boy poll next time, but without further ado let's go over the poll's options!

Option 1

Obtained from the very suspicious Midnight Bliss shop, you can barely believe Lily gave you such an expensive-looking book for free! It's a bit weird that it's covered in seals, but that's probably just part of that occult charm.

Option 2

Could it be? Another member of the student council? There's more than just Madison and Abigail?! Surely she's a completely ordinary straight-laced girl, and will be very difficult to win over.

Option 3

Ever wanted to spice up your nighttime routine? Ever looked out onto the horizon, searching for meaning in this empty life? Searching for some kind of answer?

Well, obviously the solution to that is to become popular. Exactly how to become popular is something these three idiots are very keen to learn.

Option 4

Hello nurse! Do you have any more potions for me? Perhaps the framework for male-to-female content in the game?

That's a yes, folks!

Option 5

Andrea's costume department has really outdone itself! Experience the joys of more of hentai university's absolute best character, do I really need to say any more?

Plus, I could maaaaybe take the time for something like this...

So! What will you vote for? Pick as many as you please, and I hope you'll have a lot of fun with whoever wins.



I think so I mean maid dress right? You have a story for the duo can’t remember the name


Oh, you mean Anna and Lena! CryptoGreek wrote them, I'll pass on that you'd like to see more.


Ye I loved their line and can’t wait for more from the cafe 👍