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Hello everyone and a big THANK YOU for your support and generosity this month!!!

Here is a snail working late into the night! Perhaps on a thrilling crime novel, or maybe writing policy recommendations for the local council. She's possibly also a teacher, marking assignments and writing lesson plans! I'd ask her but she seems kind of busy right now.

The original line art for this snail is one of the ink drawings I did for Pen Pals this month. After I publish this post I'm going to put those in envelopes and send them away!

I've got animation project ideas big and small bouncing around my head- I don't know which but excited to jump in and start making ONE of them this month with your support. I'm also forever continuing work on the DONKS soundtrack, and as you may have seen, my studio WOMBOT put out a music video last month, helmed by my studio co-owner (and wife) Zoë! I helped out on that one night, along with other stuff to get this new business off the ground on top of everything else. But hopefully, getting that studio established will provide a framework and budget to eventually crew-up and make personal films for Patreon with the help of more people! That's just wishful thinking right now but in any case, I've been as busy as a snail lately!

Thanks again for everything, and more somethings coming soon!



Amy Tobol

That snail looks incredibly cozy, everyone should have a safe space like that.


I've always wondered what they were doing in there. Amazing