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Here's a thing I said I was going to do, which is a timelapse of me "colouring in" a traditional drawing, using 3D models!

The drawing I selected was a random Pen Pal drawing, and wasn't made specifically for this purpose- but a lot of my drawing motifs ARE undeniably inspired by 3D imagery (this one has some obvious "Croc" energy for instance)- and so it's satisfying to see that I can give those drawings a truly 3D finish, without compromising on the shapes that I've drawn.

You may notice in this video that not EVERYTHING in this is 3D, and details like the bird, the pupils, etc. are painted on in Photoshop afterwards. You can consider this cheating if you like! I did not set myself a strict 3D challenge or anything, and I enjoy drawing. But it's still new territory for me, and I happened to screen record it, so you can watch it if you like!


Costas Lambrou

I would never call 3d cheating, especially when you combine it in such a way that creates such an interesting aesthetic as a result. When I first saw this I actually didn't assume it was 3d :o


Ah sorry, I wasn't trying to imply 3D was cheating, quite the opposite actually! Just because the post title promises 3D, I thought the 2D details added at the end could be seen as a compromise.


Woah now I wanna try this. Too bad my computer can hardly run Minecraft. Whatever this technique is called looks fun!