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Hello, I know I said just yesterday that I'm going to edit together an octopus-related timelapse (and I will), BUT I also need to show you how this dancing man is progressing: that is to say, slowly!

I don't know if I've ever animated fully-redrawn dancing like this before, but every body part has its own business going on and it feels like solving a rubix cube.

This first 2 seconds of footage is a lot more 'structured' than most of the redrawn animation I do, and took a bunch of passes. Usually, the fully redrawn elements in my work are largely animated "straight-ahead", and are a bit loose and melty.

This guy could get a bit melty I reckon, so I'm gonna keep animating him, but I'm going to mix and match some different techniques as I go!


Costas Lambrou

When you do stuff like the hair follow through, is it completely straight ahead? It's so organic and weighted. Very light, I want to ruffle his head

Daniel Arena

he's acting like someone who ate too many chillis