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Another animation test! Further exploring some of the "2D cutout in 3D space" stuff I did with the wobbly ball arms. But rather than using 3D to animate a flat picture to put back in a 2D scene, this time it's a fully 3D scene, made of 2D bits.

I've tried to word that several times without just saying 2D 3D 2D 3D and it's sounding a lot more convoluted than it actually is.

Here is a 3D scene, with a flower, made out of flat pictures and 2D loops! Then I swapped the pictures to make different flowers.

This definitely couldn't camouflage in a 2D film the way the wobbly ball arms could (not that that's an issue), but to fully test the rigour of pictures told to always face the camera, I was going to have to move the camera around.

The secretly-flat objects cast some weird unpredictable shadows, which I could have turned off. But, they reminded me of traditional paper-cut-out animation, where layers are suspended apart on planes of glass, which ALSO casts a bunch of weird unpredictable shadows through the scene. And I thought that was cute so I left them in! Ok goodbye



This looks a like a lot more practical application of the 3D software than when using it the other way around. Watching you painstakingly animate the 3D model based on the 2D animation seemed like a lot of effort for little payoff...


love the "mixed media" experiments