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Hi! So!

I don't leave a whole lot of evidence when I make a film. There are no formal storyboards or animatics, no rough versions of anything- I usually keep working each shot, from conception to completed animation, inside the one digital file where any figuring-out is drawn directly over or deleted as I go.
BUT, scattered throughout my sketchbooks, there's a kind of fractured version of the film running alongside.

Before a film, and in the early stages of it, I might do some nicer sketches and then look at them and say "hey, I might use that idea".
The sketches from later in production are usually a lot less realized and more like anxious scribbles, which come about because I'm struggling to make sense of something in the computer, and so I grab the nearest bit of paper to do some quick problem solving, or to do quick-fire variants of a design until something I like happens.

ANYWAY, here are all the previously unseen ones I could find of THROAT NOTES, spread across 6 or 7 different sketchbooks. Apart from these drawings here, there are also all my sketches of the POSSUM (the one in the straw hat), and the HUMAN (the big weirdy who pokes frogs), which I shared during production!




thank you so much for sharing, the mind map is awesome!


I love the fact that you included the sketches that were more loose and chaotic, it's so reassuring to know that even a master of animation like yourself (and I genuinely consider you to be one of the best if not THE best) still doodles strange and whacky concepts and can have pencil lines going through unrelated pictures and uncertainty about where the picture itself is going. Thank you for everything you do, I hope dozens more become patreons so you can do this without any limitations. Your animations remind me of the absurdity and bounciness of reality and how silly it all is, and I can never place a value on that reminder. You are a true artist.