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Never done something like this before but I wanted to open this conversation up with you all because I’m genuinely curious:

As both the listeners and listener “characters”, which do you prefer? Listener characters to be more blank slates on which you can project yourself or listener characters who truly are their own characters with their own specific backstories and discernible characteristics.

This style of content is based so heavily off of listeners being able to see themselves in the listener “characters” as they interact with the voiced characters, but those are usually for audios roleplays that are more one off audios and not long standing series.

With Glenwood, a lot of our listener characters have developed a life of their own! Both narratively and from the fandom itself. And I’ve tried to find the balance between keeping listeners vague enough to be anyone while also including enough personality to make them feel like real people.

Many people, however, have been asking to see more of the listener’s backstories that would truly make them more like characters than self-inserts.

I would love to know what you guys think about this and where your preferences lie!



I think having the balance makes sense to an extent but as someone who really enjoys the story of it all, giving characters including listener characters, more of their own unique personalities and histories is really nice. I wouldn't mind if the balance leaned more toward giving listener characters more characterization. Still happy if the balance stays the same though.


I like the listener characters having different personalities/backgrounds because it makes their relationship with the speaker character feel more fleshed out and genuine. Not only that but it makes Glenwood feel more realised and full as a whole. Otherwise if all the listener characters are the exact same blank slate then in a weird sort of way to me it’d feel like the same listener is dating the whole town at once and that they’re a magical entity that everyone falls in love with. Maybe that’s some ppl’s schtick but I don’t love the feeling of feeling like I’m just listening to a one dimensional harem dating sim - I like the story and world building and all the characters that help make the world more interesting including what the listener characters have to bring to the table in terms of narrative/exposition or perspective on a situation unique to their experience

Jenni the Bae

Personally I’ve never been able to see myself as a listener anyway and I make them into my own character and just make other self inserts that don’t have anything to do with the story, I like seeing listeners backstories, even if they’re vague, that way you can add your own little bit of backstory, giving them a little personality or traits makes the relationship with the character more realistic imo and I like seeing why listeners/characters are the way they are

Joseph Colton

I prefer see more backstory and made them into set characters