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Today I added 1749 words to Seek the Oasis, bringing my total word count to 16,010!

Aysel stood over the witch’s body, hands still wrapped tightly around the shaft of her spear. Heart pounding, limbs numb and heavy, it was all she could do to breathe. Dimly, she heard the clanging of heavy metal falling to the stony floor. She’d killed many beasts before, it was a necessity to survive in the desert, but never had she killed another person. Triumph and anguish warred in her chest, heart pumping both fire and ice though her veins.

A heavy, warm weight settled on her shoulder. A moment later, Aysel saw a large, paw-like hand reach out and wrap around both of hers. Slowly, Aysel’s head turned, eyes following the path of an arm covered in violet silk. Red eyes met her own, staring down at her from beneath a great black mane. Shadows fell in whips around them, dancing at the edge of Aysel’s vision. The black lion loomed behind her, somehow standing on two feet and dressed in fine silken robes. He towered above her, and Aysel wondered if this was how Kinri felt next to her.

“That’s enough, child of the sand.” His voice rumbled deep in his chest, to the point where Aysel could feel it against her back. “The children need your care.”


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