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Today I added 2024 words to Match.God, bringing my current total word count to 35,508!

Love turned on the heels of her clearly expensive designer stilettos, and strolled right out the door, disappearing into the aether. Hannah would never fully understand how the deities could just…do that, but she kind of wished they’d teach her. It’d be convenient if she wanted to just disappear when the interviews started.

Death sighed tiredly, pushing back the midnight black hair that fell around his face. “I will admit, Ha-yun, I am not looking forward to this.”

“Neither am I,” Hannah agreed. “At least Nessa and Lindiwe will be there, probably. We can just let them do the talking.”

Death chuckled, though Hannah wasn’t sure if he actually found what she said funny. “Perhaps. For now, it would be best if we simply followed Love’s instructions. Will you need help packing?”

“I don’t think so,” Hannah said, shaking her head.

“Very well.”

Hannah began climbing the stairs, feeling Death’s gaze on her. She paused, a thought coming to mind. She turned, meeting Death’s eyes, making her hesitate for a moment. “Um…”

“Yes, Ha-yun?”

“Do…do you have something else I can call you?” Hannah asked, words tumbling out a little too fast.

“I am not sure I understand.”

“Well, it’s like…how I’m both Ha-yun and Hannah,” Hannah tried to explain. “Do you have another name? Something more human?”

“I see.” Death had a faraway look in his eye, as if thinking deeply about her question. “I am afraid I do not.”

“I see…” Hannah said, echoing Death’s words. “That’s okay, I just wanted to ask.”

“Is that something you want?” Death asked. “Would you like me to have a human name?”

Hannah shifted uncomfortably under Death’s intense gaze. She did, but hadn’t wanted to bring it up for fear of being rude. She knew how it felt to have people ask if you had a ‘normal’ name, she got it a lot in elementary school. Especially from parents and teachers.

“It’s just that…every time I call you Death it feels like I’m using a title or something,” Hannah admitted. “Because, I mean, death is a thing. You’re a person.”

Death’s eyes widened slightly at Hannah’s declaration. She immediately began backtracking, unsure if this apparent surprise was a good thing or not. “But if you don’t want one, I totally understand. I’m sorry for overstepping, that was stupid of me. I –”

“Would you choose one for me?”

Hannah stopped, words catching in her throat. Did she hear right? “What?”

“I do not know what a good name would be,” Death admitted. “I am not really certain how names are chosen. If you would like, could you choose a name for me?”

“Well, um, I could try?” Hannah offered, words laced with uncertainty. “It’ll probably take me a while.”

“However long is fine,” Death assured her. “I am sure whatever you choose will be wonderful, Ha-yun.”

Hannah avoided meeting Death’s eyes, embarrassment making her heart pound. “Right. So, um, I’m just gonna, you know, go pack.”

“Of course, Ha-yun,” Death said, smiling brighter than Hannah had ever seen him smile before. “Thank you.”

Hannah turned away from Death’s smiling face, rushing up the stairs as her cheeks flushed pink.


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