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- Complete Melody from Another World (will probably end up being somewhere between 90-100 chapters)

-Take a break from serious writing for a few months (not writing completely (I think I'd die if I tried) but no major projects, nothing with a set schedule, just a little something or two every month whenever I get it completed. I've been writing MFAW continuously for going on 3-4 years now, lol, I'll need a break)

-complete Nanowrimo once again (I will keep up this streak even if it kills me)

-collaborate with my friends on more creative projects

-come back from my break rested and ready to start my next major project

Bonus goals (possible, but won't be mad if I don't do this)

-complete one of the MFAW side projects (likely Baby, There's Magic in You, since that has the shortest set story since it's not a different retelling of MFAW)

-get into digital art, which I've been wanting to do for years

Hopes for 2020 (things that are mostly out of my hands)

-Get more patrons

-Publish one of my original novels through an actual, honest to god publishing firm

I thank each and every one of you for your support this year and hope for your continued support in the future. 


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