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November's round 2 runoff poll is now closed and all votes have been counted. All bonus votes for Big Burger & Full Combo tier patrons having been accounted for too. And the winners are....!

1st: Power [Chainsaw Man] (151 votes!)

2nd: Monika [Doki Doki Literature Club] (141 votes)

3rd: Mavis [Hotel Transylvania] (125 votes)

4th: Kiriko [Overwatch 2] (114 votes)

5th: Lucy [Cyberpunk: Edgerunners] (67 votes)

This means based on their placement Power will receive a 5-6 panel colored sketch sequence, Monika a 3-4 panel sequence and Mavis a 2-3 panel sequence with Kiriko & Lucy being drawn as color sketches. Given how relatively close Power and Monika placed I'll try and do a little extra for Monika. Same goes for Kiriko for how close she came to Mavis for 3rd place.

In addition to November's 5 winners I'll be doing between 5-9~ runner up sketches for some of the women who didn't win this month. I'll have those completed and ready to share tomorrow evening. But before those I plan to have some previously mentioned bonus Hex Maniac rewards for Medium Soda patrons and above tomorrow morning.

But back to this month's winners; Tis the season of feast'n so I think there will be plenty of stuffing themed rewards this month. For Power I don't know much about her but my first inclination is a either pure vanilla stuffing or majority stuffing with maybe a touch of vore with a weight gain ending for her rewards. I'll have to do more research first.

For Monika I think either anything could work. Be it stuffing, vore or weight or maybe a combination like Chel from El Dorado's sequence. I'll look up scenes from the visual novel to find inspiration.

With Mavis I think if I don't go with vore for Monika I could do that or perhaps the rare pregnancy themed sequence. It is canonical that she's a mother after all. But I am considering having two stuffing themed sequences this month.

For Kiriko I'm for sure going with stuffing for her main rewards. Probably related to donuts. As for Lucy I don't know anything about her at this time but my first thoughts are to go with either vore or weight gain for her. That will also need more research. 

These are my initial ideas and thoughts for this month's rewards and I'm interested to hear your input. Like I said I'll do more research and preliminary sketches before finalizing what to do with each woman.

And a big thank you to everyone who participated! I will begin working on this month's winners after I complete the bonus Hex Maniac's rewards, this month's runner up sketches (and maybe if I can squeeze it in a small Ember + Cinder Halloween image). I'll have both WIPs for Mavis & Lucy ready to share on the 8th followed by the first batch of Full Combo sketches.

Stay chill and have a relaxing Saturday evening. Take care.



Can’t have a vampire without Vore just makes sense 😌


I feel vore would be great for either Lucy or Power - I’m sure Lucy’s hungry after rebecca’s been getting so much attention 😈

Lelouch vi Britannia

I just realise uta was in the pole and I didn't even know she was there no one gave her love


I definitely think a wg/stuffing setup would work best for Monika


Weight gain for monika c: her wanting to get fatter for the main male.


Power has canonically ate an entire food pantry in one night that was supposed to feed a bunch of people for days. She’s a total glutton.

Pickle Surprise

For Monika, I definitely think at least something with vore for one of the images would fit perfectly. She does want to get rid of everyone except the MC afterall :3


Huh? But on my end, it says Monika had the most votes…


That's how I saw it, too, but I think results might have been collected before then


The reason for that is that after each poll has closed I download a creator only spread sheet then manually add all bonus votes to each Big Burger and Full Combo patron's selection then count up the total for each candidate. That is why the percentages displayed on a poll do not accurately reflect the total number of votes tallied here. In this month's case many Big Burger and Full Combo tier patrons voted for Power and really helped push her ahead of the rest. If you have any other questions Dragonage2ftw feel free to ask.


For Monika, I definitely agree that vore is the most logical/in-character option... but I can definitely see appeal in a Monika who managed to find a happy ending with DDLC's unnamed protag, and now is either carrying their child or discovering said protag's secret preferences, and [either way] is enjoying the new power over their significant other. So if you didn't want to go the easy way out, that would be my recommendation. (Then again, I am generally biased against vore and/or towards wholesomeness/romance.)