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As promised here is some bonus Hex Maniac art for you!

This time around we have a short animation based on her 4th panel from her 1st place sequence last month, with Serena (or whoever you'd like to imagine) squirming inside Hex's gut until digestion sets in. In my rush I forgot that I wanted  Hex to be saying something to the effect of "We'll be together forever now" in her sequence so I took this oppertunity to include that here.

Also included is a color sketch featuring the complete opposite, a 100% wholesome Preggo Maniac hanging out in Alola at some sort of beach for heavily pregnant women. One thing I noticed is Hex might not have been pale enough in her previous pieces so for this main image I made her skin super unsaturated. But I also included a more healthy, sun kissed version along with a tighter one piece swimsuit alt for both.

Now onto this month's runner up sketches later tonight

