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Hey everyone I'm here with the mid-month update for January as well as some idea proposals for next month! I mentioned it in the first of the month post but as a reminder: All active patrons will NOT be charged for February!

That means you'll have access to all rewards in your tier during February for FREE! For the past few months I've been wanting to take one month lightly to avoid burnout and February is the best month to do so I think. I'll also be eligible to get my booster next month and won't have to stress over any side effects. That being said I plan to post plenty of artwork throughout the month

More details on that in the second half of this post. Come March 1st all active patrons will be charged again and all normal rewards will return.

January's remaining schedule:

As of right now I have Ria's colored sketch mostly inked, but I'm still tweaking her composition and background. So I expect to have her rewards done sometime tomorrow.

After I finish Rias I'll be working on Spider-Gwen, Tifa and Hilda Valentine. I've already begun sketching out all three of their respective rewards, with a lot of thumbnails and ideas for each.

I'll have the WIPs for those 3 remaining winners ready on Tuesday the 18th and then after that 3 more Full Combo patron sketches on Friday the 21st.

February's plans:

With the billing cycle paused next month I'll be putting the usual monthly rewards of the Full Combo sketches and character suggestions for the polls on hold during February. But I do want to host a special poll (with bonus votes still applying). And as a reminder your current tier will still apply when it comes to accessing your rewards in February (examples: Sequences, Photoshop Files and voting in polls.) And I'll reiterate that all normal rewards will return March 1st!

My proposal for February's special poll are between: 

A) 1 poll featuring 25 runner up sketches from the past of my choosing. Bonus votes will still apply and the winning sketches will be inked and colored. 

B) 1 poll featuring characters + scenarios of my choosing. This may include some of my OCs and/or maybe friend's OCs. Bonus votes will still apply.

Which poll sounds more appealing to you? I'm leaning more towards A personally but I want to hear which you think. Regardless of which one I go with I plan to do some personal art in February too. I have a few ideas I've wanted to draw for a while now. I'll have all info finalized to share come February 1st.

Stay safe and take care. I'll see you guys back here tomorrow with Rias's rewards.



My vote goes for poll A. It will save you some time and it gives the less popular characters a chance to be fully colored.

Matthew Purdy

A is appealing, but seeing what you want to do for B would be interesting as well.




A preferably

Scott Fine

I think poll A sounds more fun.


How many winner would A’s poll be?


So next month you’ll be on break then? :0


It's a break from just the normal rewards since I'll still be drawing and posting a decent amount throughout all of February. I'll be using the month to take it easy to avoid burnout and work on artwork I want to do for myself mostly. An of course all standard rewards will return on March 1st.


I'm not sure at this time. I'm going to plan out personal art I want to in February and then decide on how many winners from the special poll I could do between that. Currently I'm thinking 3 but that could change.

Sarah F

Ooh runner ups could be interesting