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Hey everyone, I hope your week has been going well. I'm here with January's 3rd place winner Lillie in a 3 part voracious color sketch sequence for you tonight!

For Lillie's sequence I wanted to base it off her being taken by Team Skull, though this time she turned the tables on them. Wolfing down one grunt after the other, she waddles back to safety on an overfilled stomach. It's too bad Lana and Mallow aren't there to help. It's a mystery where they went to and couldn't have anything to do with grunt #2 being really bloated and fat... nah. After digestion Selene and Lusamine gaze upon the results of Lillie's adventure with differing reactions.

Included too are 4 alternative versions! The first features an internal view with extra dialog for both Skull grunts, second is a no-dialog version to better show off the characters, third is a no-digestion ending with Alola Officer Jenny taking those grunts away to her personal jail and finally fourth is an implied stuffing version for those not into vore.

Up next the mid-month update this Saturday the 15th

