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Hey everyone, here is the WIP for December's 4th place winner Serleena!

For this color sketch I wanted to draw her in a different scenario based off any scene other than her introduction one in Men in Black 2. My reasoning is for variety, since I already drew her in the past two or so years waddling from behind the bush with a full gut. I figured a different scene, like one where she's already taken over MIB headquarters might make a decent image. And given she has some voracious dialog in that scene and throughout the movie I think this fits well. 

Now as for the image itself, I might still play around with her proportions a bit. I may play around with the size of her butt, belly, thighs and calves a tiny bit. Other than that I'm pretty much ready to start cleaning her up and inking.

I'll have Serleena all done on the 27th.

But before that I'll have some more Patron sketches to share on the 21st!

This is a work in progress so some elements of the compositions are subject to change.





Looking great! Love the lingerie! Maybe thinner calves/thighs so that more of the belly is in view and a still plump butt but either way you go I'm sure it'll be great!


Looks good, nice to see a butt shot after vore like midna. Though I thought she said, "oh yummy, someone I need to eat."

Andrew Fermor

Can’t wait to see this finished looks awesome already


Thanks Particleman. An I think that's what I have her saying here, though my hand writing is pretty bad I'll admit.