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Yo everyone, I hope you're doing well. Here are the two WIPs for Yang and Cynthia's sequences!

For Yang's sequence I waned to have it be a further continuation of Blake's and in a way Weiss's too. With Yang's sequence taking place right after Blake's. The rough idea is that Yang really finds Blake cute with a belly and wants to be supportive too, so she eats the last bit of food that Blake couldn't finish, ending with them embracing / kissing. As you can see I'm still working out which angle I like for panel 1 and the final panel is subject to some changes too.

I'll have Yang all done on the 24th.

As for Cynthia, I've been very indecisive about where to take her sequence. I finally decided on a stuffing + vore and weight gain combo. With story being she travels to Unova and wants to snack on the fatty, sugary treats they have to offer. She encounters many plump trainers while there and they are on the menu too. There will be a non vore version of this and given how many votes she received for first place I'm looking into making some spicy alternative versions, animations and/or bonus art of her.

I'll have Cynthia and any bonus stuff for her all done early on the 31st.

Now onto Serleena's WIP, which will be posted in just a minute.

These are works in progress so some elements of the compositions are subject to change.





Hellllllll yesssssss that yang one is looking so god dam amazing


Liking the yang concept thus far. IMHO though, I'd probably go with the embrace (or make the kissing one go in an alt-version) just to avoid eating crow if it doesn't happen - that and to avoid the hell of a ship-war finding this page XD


Where can I find the complete version