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Here are 3 examples of some quick, black and white sketches as consolation prizes for girls who didn't make it into the top 5 in this month's polls.

The quality would be about what is shown here and there would be between 2-5 sketches total. With the candidates being chosen by me from among those who did not win in the polls.

Nothing is set in stone yet about doing more of these each month, but I'm curious about your feedback. I am on the fence about these due to time constraints and fear of burn out. But at the very least I want to do a little extra for you guys during this holiday season.

Up next, another commission from August to be posted tomorrow~




Scott Fine

This is an amazing solution.

Scott Fine

Just do ones you think are interesting and don’t sweat quantify even if it’s zero for each month to avoid burnout.


Oh this is a great idea! But of course as long as it doesn't become an overload on you


This is great, but I hope you dont end up overworking yourself if you end up deciding to do this. Either way, probably a good solution to other possible runner ups. Hopefully next time we get pyra or mythra chosen.

Chris Smith

Oh my god, that was exactly what I was hoping you'd do for Mythra too. MetalForever, you are the best!❤


Fair enough Bobby, I'll need to ponder it some more. Overloading yourself with work is the ultimate trap for creators on Patreon.


That might be for the best, like just making it a bonus reward like how alternative versions are for the main art.


Like others I think this is a good solution c: and we still get to see your cute style on some cute chubs Cx but don’t work yourself into a burnout


Gotta say, surprised Hex didn't do so well. Great to see her get some art after all~


It might be owing to not as many people getting the newest titles in the Pokémon franchise and not having the context. The gameboy and DS were a bit less of an investment for a lot of people.